I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Ordinary Everyday

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  1. Brittany says:

    I needed to read this and be reminded that my my blog is for more then the public. It is for me and my kids and that is why I started and it is a beautiful thing. I love your photos and your words and I am trying to comment more! I always get hung up on my stupid phone! I do still wonder about huge bloggers and how “it” happens. For all, it has not been a long time coming. There are some instant public successes and sometimes I wish for more conversation on my everyday. I don’t expect it, especially given how busy I am, but I would love it.

    So, I totally agree that the focus should be on creating something for our families, but I know that some days it is easier to focus on that than others.

  2. Robbie says:

    very well said. They are important to you and your family and that is what matters most. I love your photos!

  3. Shell says:

    Remember that bloggers who get responses like that have been around for a long time and built up to that. They didn’t just post a simple pic and get that response from the first moment they started. 😉

  4. Ashley Sisk says:

    I completely know what you mean about being stuck in a creative rut. It started for me while I was pregnant and now I’m often too tired to worry about creativity. I do love your everyday shots though. I also love Kelle’s style-perhaps I should lean more into that storytelling mode myself.

  5. Margaret says:

    I am one of those people who read blogs but rarely comments on any – no matter how “amazing” or prolific. But, I do want you to know that I look forward to your blog posts. I love watching Noah grow up and hearing about the arrival of Jonah. I celebrate your ups and commiserate in your downs. Really, It’s been like being with my own daughter who just finished her second pregnancy. Your blog today is a script of any one of our conversations during her last few weeks. I am an Alabama girl and can’t imagine living in Kodiak – however, my husband visited there and would move in an instant….he would miss me eventually!
    So, as some before me have said – remember who you write for and don’t put your value in the hands of others. One day, Jonah will be amazed at his mom who documented so many of the small things in their lives.
    And….Roll Tide Roll!

  6. Tricia says:

    I’ve gone through a very similar epiphany lately – wondering how the amazing Kelle gets so many comments on every day posts and mine make a much smaller splash but, in the grand scheme, my blog is mine and being able to look back on those every days, that is a huge reason why I do this.

    Your photos here are gorgeous. Keep documenting your every day. You certainly will not regret it!

  7. Wayne says:

    What a great set of photos. Your family is lucky to have someone who records their progress with such style and grace.

  8. Barbara says:

    I loved this post and I think your pictures are amazing. Your little guy is too cute for words.

    I feel the same way about my posts. It makes me so giddy to go back and remember certain things I wrote about. Even if it wasn’t popular it is all mine!

  9. Alison says:

    I think it was a big blogger who posted a picture of her toilet and it had over 1000 comments? I don’t know what they may be – “nice toilet”? LOL.

    I get what you mean. The who am I blogging for anyway question. And you’re very right in noting that the everyday small moments that you will otherwise forget, is forever in this blog for your boys and for yourself. Because that’s who matters anyway.

  10. Love this. I have a hard-ish time reading journal-type blog posts. Some, if done well, with beauty and flair and funny, are manageable, but often I just don’t care. I want a blog post to give me something in return for reading it (a smile, a laugh, a tear, a lesson). I want to be able to have something to say at the end of it. I make it my goal to comment on all the posts I read (because I know how much I love a good comment), but sometimes I just can’t think of anything to say.

    This, by the way, is in no way a reflection of YOUR blog. Just how I feel about bloggers (even people who get a lot of comments) who write about what they did yesterday.

    For the record, this post? It gave me something. A lot of things. Beauty; a smile; a reflection on my own life… And yes, it left me with something to say! xo

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.