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Sometimes, it’s hard for me to fully grasp the passing of time.
One year ago today, my husband started his would-be eight month journey through A-School. We started on our long journey of separation, anxiety, trust building, goal achieving and personal growth. Three years ago today, my husband and I stood in front of our friends and family and said our vows…promising to love one another for better or for worse…in good times and in bad. We promised to forsake all others and to submit our lives to one another and to our Savior. It’s hard to believe that the two of us (three if you include the little guy) have spent almost an entire year of the past three, away from one another. Today clearly marks one of the best and worst days of my life.
I think I speak for both my husband and myself when I say that the two of us have learned a lot about marriage over the course of the past few years. The
ignorant innocent bliss of being a newlywed passed for us pretty quickly, seeing as how he left for Coast Guard training a mere two weeks after we said our vows. And we found out a few days before that that we were having a baby.
If the last three years have taught me nothing else, I’ve at least learned that marriage is work and a constant decision in love. There are days when my husband drives me absolutely insane…days that I would prefer to sulk and pout and be crabby instead of being cheerful and joyous and proud of the hand I’ve been dealt in life. Those are the days that I have to deliberately choose to love my husband…and to be the kind of wife that he not only needs, but deserves. I have to choose to change my perspective and be intentional in my strides to love my husband.
It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come as a couple. He’s closer than he’s ever been to achieving his ultimate goal of becoming a Surgical PA; and I’m on the road to owning my own photography and design business. We’ve got a beautiful son, whom we both adore. And the love we share has grown into something much deeper than anything we’ve known before. Part of it, I accredit to the hard times of separation we faced last year. We managed to find our way back to one another in big ways after being apart for so long. The time we spent away gave us time to grow as individuals (something most people stop doing after becoming husband and wife), and forced us to build up our communication skills. Not being with someone everyday, not being able to have any kind of physical or intimate contact with them, gives you a gut wrenching look at how well you actually communicate. When you can’t touch or hug or kiss, you have no other choice but to talk.
More than anything, I have to give credit to God…for giving my husband and I the same outlook and perspective for our marriage: the knowledge and the determination to never allow divorce to be an option, to choose never to give up on what we have together. Because we both know that God chose us to be together for a reason. I’ve mentioned it before, but there is no one who could complete me, love me, and understand me better than my husband.
Happy Anniversary, babe. God knows I love you more than any amount of words could ever describe. You’re my best friend. I don’t know how I managed to get along without you all of those years before God brought us together, and hope I never have to find out. I hope that I never fail to show you just how loved, special and important you are to me. Thank you for being who you are…and for loving me for who I am…even on the days when I’m not all that pleasant to be around. Thank you for sticking with me and believing in me when no one else does. I love you…more than you will ever, ever know! Here’s to spending a full life together here, and an eternity together later. xoxoxo
I’ll be MIA from the blog for the rest of the day. We’ve expected to have warmer temperatures and sunshine all day. Even though the husband is working today, we’ll be spending the afternoon unplugged and away from the computers to enjoy some “us” time…Hope you guys have a GREAT day!