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One Thousand Miles in these Shoes

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  1. I can relate so much to this…why do we get some attached to “stuff”? I know some people who can just toss and toss and never give it a second thought and others (like me) that have a hard time parting with things. I would just pack up the shoes in a shoe box and put them on a shelf in my closet and keep right on moving them, if I were you.

    Stopping by from PYHO.

  2. Sarah says:

    Awww. I love it. How awesome.

  3. Robin says:

    I’m ashamed to say how old some of things are in my closet. Hmmm….

    Good luck with your new shoes (and with getting Little Man to like his) 😉

  4. Courtney says:

    I’m a sentimental fool so I hang on to lots of stuff for those reasons. I don’t think i’ve held onto anything just because. But now I’m taking inventory….. GREAT post!

  5. Ana says:

    I am like that as well with my Chuck Taylors 🙂 My husband had to pry the pair he bought me for my birthday 5 years ago from my hands to toss them into the dump. They were black with white flowers, the tread was non-existent, and the flowers had long since faded and flaked away with every romp on the beach, every wash in the rain, every mile in the dust. There is just something about a good pair of shoes!

  6. Mandi says:

    I don’t think I would be able to part with shoes like that either! So sweet! So what are you going to do about your son’s shoe attachment? 🙂

  7. Ashley Sisk says:

    What a great piece – I’ve never thought of it like that but I hang onto stuff for the same reason. Not just a piece of clothing, or even a slip of paper but the memory that is attached. I’ve often said to my husband that if he puts something away without me mentally knowing where it is, that’ll I’ll lose it. Maybe it’s the same with our shoes. Nicely done girl.

  8. Linda says:

    My daughter Lynnette loves Wallabees. She enjoys them in the fall and winter…and maybe even spring. ( In the summer she wears flip flops.) She calls them her hippie shoes. She bought her dad a pair, and he loves his too. They do look comfy. But I have never owned a pair.

    My goodness, yours have taken you so many places in the seven years you have owned them. No wonder you would find it hard to part with them.

    Isn’t it funny how our kids can show us great truths if we just take the time to notice? (smile)

    Have a beautiful day!


  9. Mrs. H says:

    I have a pair of Reef sandals since senior year in h.s. that bring up fond memories as well… They have since been replaced, but for some reason are still at the bottom of my closet 😉
    BTW, a few months ago I purchased a pair of Merrell Barefoots – they’re like being barefoot (duh) but with shoes. I like them a lot, even though I’ve never been trail running in them (which is their intended function) lol!

  10. Laura says:

    I have very little connection to shoes like this. I am just really bad at going out and buying new ones, so I usually wear my shoes out too.

    What got me about this post is that our children’s shoe size is pretty much the same. Cam is in a seven right now. A seven WIDE. He has HUGE feet.

    Hope you both start loving your NEW shoes! 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.