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On Sending my Son to Preschool, and such.

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  1. Megan says:

    How exciting! 🙂

    My 4 1/2 year old started preschool at a church this past January. She is on the same schedule as the county schools, meaning she’s off during the summer. This year she will be going 4 instead of 3 days a week from 9:30-1:30. She enjoys it so much and loves all the friends she has made there. I’ve been home with her from day one but I know it’s great for her. I’m sure your son will love it too! (And who knows, if you get some “positive” news, it would be nice to have some bonding time with a new baby while he is at preschool. I know I enjoyed it. (I have a 15 month old and expecting a new baby in November) 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      I agree! I love the part time hours that would give me time to work, without him being gone all day every day. And he’s a social butterfly. I know that the interaction between him and other children would be great. That’s the only way they learn some of the basic concepts to life. Like sharing. 🙂 Thanks for the well wishes! We’re really hoping that we get those two pink lines this go around!

  2. Miranda H. says:

    Oh gosh so exciting! Can’t wait for that update, and that photo is just so wonderful!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you, Miranda! 🙂 I’ll update everyone on my stick-peeing results as soon as I know something! I’m trying to hold off until the weekend.

  3. Jenn says:

    I’m excited for you Courtney as well as your son. I’m also thinking about putting my son into some half day preschool program as well, come September. I hope your pee stick shows some positive results for you!

  4. Mandi says:

    It’s a tough decision but if you want to work then I don’t see another option… I am working part time with Sean now and all I can handle is 10 hours a week… and THAT is hard enough! We were thinking 2 hours a day = the length of Maddy’s nap time. Any more than that would be hard on me and Maddy. When she is home and awake I want to BE with her… not just near her. If I was going to add more work to my schedule I would be looking into preschool as well. I think he will be fine and the time spent with him for the rest of the day will be that much more special. 🙂 A couple of hours is doable. You’ll miss him, but you’ll get a lot more done I’m sure! Good luck on the test! Fingers crossed for a BFP!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I agree. If I’m planning on actually running a successful business and finishing projects in a reasonable amount of time, I’m going to HAVE to send him to school for a few hours a day. I won’t get everything done, but I can get a LOT done in the few hours he’ll be gone. And I won’t feel so bad for working with him at home tugging at my shirt to play. And you’re right…with him gone, I’ll be more ready and focused on spending time with him instead of just being in the same room with him.

  5. Ashley Sisk says:

    I’m so glad you decided to go the part time route – that was my immediate thought and although I don’t have kids of my own yet, I did a little child development work in college…I think it’ll be great for him and great for you. Besides, soon enough, you’ll have #2 on the way. 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh we absolutely weren’t going to put him in full time, all day everyday. No job is important enough for me to dump him off at only three years old. LOL I like having him around too much. 🙂 I think the part time interaction will be good for him, but it won’t be so long that he feels like he’s being dumped off.

  6. Courtney says:

    Your pics with Amy were great! I loved them all. Good luck with all the preschool stuff. I think we’ve decided to keep Presley home this year and aim for next year. I am going to look into doing a little structured program at home with her, I think. Anyhow, looking forward to your peeing on a stick results! 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Most definitely! If we hadn’t found out that they offer the Part-Day preschool for Noah, then I was planning to look into some sort of something to do with him in the mornings. Let me know what program you decide to use for her.

  7. MommaKiss says:

    LOVE the parting shot! GAH!

    Good luck with all of the decisions. The peeing on a stick, the preschool. yah. all of it 🙂

  8. Robin says:

    Excited that you will soon be peeing on a stick! Pee on several if you really think you are, because I ALWAYS got a false negative (I usually took 3-4 with each kid).

    • Courtney K. says:

      LOL Thanks girl! I’m trying to hold off AS LONG as I can to prevent false negatives. Especially considering I got so many of them when I was pregnant with Noah.

  9. Lisa Grace says:

    I’m sure you guys will make the decision God leads you to!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo 🙂

  10. Christy says:

    Hey Courtney, my almost 3.5 year old starts a 5 day preschool in the fall from 9am till noon. I’ve been a SAHM since the day he was born and this is kinda nerve racking for me too. I know he’ll be in good hands, he’s going to a church preschool, though not our own and we know no one there 🙁 It will be so good for them to be there though, making new friends, gaining all those social skills, learning that not being attached to Mommy is okay 😉 (Will I learn that too?) Gah it’s so hard watching him grow up. We’re in this together girl!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thanks, girl! That’s the type of hours our son will be going when he starts in October. I know it sounds crazy, but doesn’t it feel like those few hours might be an eternity?! LOL I’m trying to figure out what I’ll do those hours he’s not around. It’s definitely going to be different. Good luck, to you! I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.