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My Favorite Child..

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  1. Laura says:

    I admit to having a hard time with this. I don’t ever want to say I have a favourite child. I understand what you are saying, and it is true. Sometimes one child is easier to parent than an other. That is SO unbelievably true.

    Maybe I have a hard time because I do feel this. It isn’t when one child is being particularly annoying. Then I just get frustrated and usually it is directed at everyone. It is when I am spending so much quality time with one child and not the other. So I fight it. And I take this feeling and make sure I let it create change in me. I shift my focus and make sure both children feel like my favourite right away. When my kids ask, I want to honestly say “I don’t have a favourite.”

  2. Elaine A. says:

    I wrote a post similar to this once! It’s SO very true, absolutely. Pretty sure I’m the favorite in my family though…. Oh, I kid!! ;p

  3. Jennifer says:

    I agree completely. Sometimes it is the one that needs me least, and sometimes it is the one that needs me most. Sometimes it is the one acting “right”, and sometimes it is the one acting out. The amount I love never changes, only grows, but the favor I feel towards one or the other is in constant flux, sometimes it is balanced, but other times it isn’t.

  4. Arnebya says:

    My feelings change constantly. I have a favorite on Monday who may not be my favorite by Tuesday or, hell, even Monday night. Sometimes, it’s not even the child’s actions, but my own whims that make this change. If I’m tired of turning off the news, my 12 yr old is my favorite because we can discuss most of it. If I’m tired of the oldest’s attitude, my middle girl is always, ALWAYS filled with happiness (and sometimes, that’s irritating!) So I see nothing wrong in feeling this way, let alone admitting it because it’s perfectly normal.

  5. Jessica says:

    There are definitely times I prefer one child over the other. I still love them both the same but when the small one is throwing a fit I would prefer to be with the big one who is calm. When the big one has attitude I would prefer to be with the small one who likes to cuddle.

  6. Greta says:

    ABSOLUTELY. I have four, and on any given day, my favorite is a different one. Based solely on how they’re acting. I do love them all the same and would never tell them I had a favorite, because that child won’t stay the favorite for long.

  7. Rachelle says:

    A wonderful take on favoriting a child… I don’t think I have a favorite, but I prefer to do different things with each child… and the tendency to make comparisons between them is human.

  8. Brandy says:

    I have 4 children who are now 4,6,8, & 10 and I might have been able to “admit” this a few years ago but three years ago my now 6 year old drowned and by the grace of God and some amazing doctors in the PICU, she is still with us and is 100% fine. She is my spunkiest child and the only one who really throws a fit from time to time and I have to tell you, when she does I love the moments even more. I always think back to that moment pulling her out of the pool and I’m beyond happy that she is still here to test us. These 4 can’t fluster me and I think it is because of that experience. I love watching them figure out life and their place in it and seeing how they handle their own disappointments and frustrations brings me more joy than just watching them run in the park. It does help that I have amazing patience and my husband is theonly one who can really frustrate me. As for a favortite child…. never in my book.

  9. Amy Willa says:

    What a beautiful post! It’s so true. Our experiences dictate our preferences – and we’d all prefer an agreeable, sweet child over a screaming one! 🙂

  10. Alison says:

    YES, I have a favorite child.
    They’re just not the same child every day, heck, not even every hour.
    There are those moments, when they’re nice to each other, that I can truly say, no, I don’t have favorites, I love them both the same. 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.