Kelli over at “Outside my Kitchen Window” and
Ashley over at “Everything Happens for a Reason” gave me this “Lovely Blog Award.” These are 2 of my favorite blogs that I tend to check first when I log on.
Kelli is a super woman with lots of good crafty and organizing ideas. She is a determined Christian woman who is striving to mold her adorable little kids into the likeness of Christ. LOVE her blog so much and encourage everyone to check her out.
Ashley’s blog is too cute! Full of her adventures in moving and getting married. It’s so much fun to read about all of her wedding plans [I’m a sucker for a wedding!] Check her blog out for a great read!
Kelli also gave me this “Honest Scrap” award, which included a tag. [Side note: I love tags! They are so much fun…to me atleast 🙂 ] The tag is to list
10 Honest Facts about yourself and then pass this award on to 10 other bloggers.

1. I am addicted to blogging & Starbucks. Give me a day spent inside of a quiet Starbucks with my computer in tow, and I’ll be good to go.
2. I absolutely love to decorate. So much so that nights I can’t sleep, I lay in bed thinking about different things that I could do to my house [given that I had just oodles of money lying around to do it with.]
3. My favorite color is RED…and I hate the color orange.
4. I usually never fill up an entire journal. I start writing in way, get 1/2 or 3/4 of the way through filling it up, and find another notebook/journal that I like [it has to be cute…I don’t do plain] and rather than waiting to use it, I go ahead and start. Thus, casting aside my half-way full journal.
5. My favorite movie is “Gone With the Wind.” I watched it with my mom when I was younger, fell in love with the story and the characters, and now even collect the memorabilia. [You can find Scarlett O’Hara photos hanging all the way up my staircase, and at Christmas, you will find the ornaments on the tree.]
6. I hate to talk on the phone. I would rather text. It seems like it takes up so much more time to sit and carry on a conversation on the phone. By texting, I can reply when I get a chance. I don’t have to STOP everything I’m doing.
7. If I could only pick one place in the world to ever visit, I would pick New York City at Christmas time. I’ve never been and fell in love with it through Television shows [Friends & Sex and The City]. I’ve always wanted to go the Macy’s Christmas Parade and have fullest intentions of spending Christmas there when Noah gets older.
8. I’m a big kid at heart. I love to play. I love to watch Disney movies. I would rather swim in the pool than lay out. I would rather play in the sand at the beach, than lay out. And even though I love my little guy being little right now, I secretely can’t wait until he gets big enough to play with me.
9. I think SpongeBob SquarePants is the most inappropriate cartoon since Ren & Stimpy back in the day. 99% of what I see flipping through the channels of that show, is either disgusting or crude. Even though it has a TV 7 guide on it.
10. I love
lists. I make them, re-write them, cross things off, use colored ink, and keep them for everything. I buy notebooks just to keep lists in. Kind a OCD thing.
Ok. Now, for these awards I tag:
I know it said 10 people, but there are people on my blog roll that I have given the award to that don’t seem to appreciate their little gifts. [I never see them posted, or blogged about.] So I’ll stick with these lovely ladies that I know enjoy the little things.