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Monday Morning Coffee

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  1. Kimberly says:

    I’m reading The Help too and so far I love it! I’m a huge Grey’s fan and really liked the premiere, though I did cry at the end. I’ll be sad to see Patrick Dempsey go, but you’re right. At least we’ll have McSteamy to stare at!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh, I cried, to when they took the baby away. I hope that if Patrick Dempsey leaves that they give him a better write off than they did when Izzy left. That was the WORST character dismissal EVER.

  2. Kyna says:

    The Help is on my list of “to reads”…funny though, how I haven’t even been able to finish one book since Ellie was born…yup, how sad is that? And I used to be an avid reader! Whenever I have free time, I just can’t quiet my mind down enough to actually be able to read anything…sigh…
    ♥ Kyna

    • Courtney K. says:

      I try to make it a habit to read at least one book ever month or two. I haven’t done as much of it lately, but I’ve compensated with all of the blogs I read. I’m really loving this one though. And there is another book coming out in October that I want to read, so I’ve got to finish this one pretty quick. 🙂

  3. Courtney says:

    Honestly, I have no idea where september went. I HAVE to get my butt in gear planning my kids’ party or everything around here will be booked up in December and I’ll be stuff having it at my house or Chuck E. Cheese. And both of those options make me want to slit my wrists. Grey’s is already on my nerves. The whole Meredith and Derick thing irks me. they’re together, not together. Together, not together. You’d think they’d come up with something different after they got “married”. I’m over it.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I would avoid those two options at all costs. Especially Chuck-E-Cheese. Freakin’ overpriced migraine is what that is. And I’m with you on the Mer/Der thing. I wish they’d make their minds up. Let’s create drama with someone else. They need to stop bickering.

  4. Jessica says:

    I’m so excited to hear that you love Grey’s too. Now I have someone else to talk to on Twitter about the show. Season premiere was good.

  5. Connie says:

    I’m still waiting to read more of the short story you wrote! I loved it 🙂 We’re looking for party themes here too. Our girl will be 3 next month too and so far we’ve jumped from a ballet party to a unicorn (the new my little ponies) party. When asked what she wants at her party she says, “chocolate!!”. That’s my girl! But leaves little to run with on a party idea, ha!

    I can’t wait to read The Help. I don’t know if I should read it first or watch the movie, but I’m dying to do both 🙂 Happy Monday!!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Aww, thanks Connie! I haven’t touched that story in a long time. I have some notes for where I want it to go, but haven’t written any more with it. The husband recommended that I not post any of it online in case it turns into something that I might want to try to publish later. Hadn’t thought of that, but I think he’s right…so maybe you’ll see it in hardback someday. :)And I always prefer to read a book before I watch a movie. Movies can be really good or really bad. And a badly made movie can ruin the book entirely.

  6. Shell says:

    The Help really is so good! Loved Grey’s. Big changes are definitely coming there.

  7. etosia says:

    I loved the season premiere of Greys. I heard Ellen Pompeo will be leaving this season too. I hope its not true. It just won’t be the same without them.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I don’t see how they can get rid of her. I know Lexie will still be there, but won’t it kind of take away from the show being called GREY’S Anatomy?

  8. Barbie says:

    I’ve never read the book “The Help”, but I saw the movie four times. My girlfriends and I went the first time, then I took my daughters. Then hubby took me on our anniversary, then I had to take my mother on her birthday. I think my movie budget has been exhausted for the next year!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh wow! I think the most I’ve ever seen any movie is twice, and that was “Titanic” and “Pearl Harbor…” It must have been good if you sat through it four time!

  9. Meagan says:

    The Help is a great book. I really think you’ll like it, growing up in the south.
    At this age I don’t know that the theme of the party is so much important as the cake is the big deal. So i think I’d go for that Toy Story cake!
    Y’all have a great Monday!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thanks, Meagan. I think the cake is the biggest aspect of the party, too. He doesn’t get too much into the little cups and all that randomness. Hope you’re having a great week!

  10. annie says:

    the help is SO good! i can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I’m loving it so far! I haven’t had as much time to sit and read today as I’d like, but I’m planning to really dig in this weekend. 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.