I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Monday Morning Coffee

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  1. Courtney says:

    Ahhhh, the waiting game. BOO HISS.

  2. yep!! and how nice that you have such a cutie with a great smile to keep you entertained as you wait on God 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Oh most definitely! He makes any kind of frustration and annoyance (and lack of patience on my part) completely bearable.

  3. Jessica says:

    I remember the “waiting days” very well from when we were trying to conceive our son (I was only 23 (and so was the hubbY) when we started and it took us right at 1.5 years) and I too had to remind myself that it’s all in God’s hands and that everything will fall into place like it should. Here’s to hoping your waiting game is over and if it’s not then I know it will be soon, just continue to leave it up to God.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you, Jessica! Times like this just serve to remind me that I can’t control everything, no matter how hard I try or badly I want to. 🙂 Glad you got your little blessing! I’m sure he was worth every single second of the wait.

  4. Austin-Lee says:

    What a handsome little guy! Hope you get that positive you are Looking for soon!

  5. Cedar says:

    Love that face and that laugh! I look forward to your edit! May God bless you in your “TTC.” I know the waiting game even if it isn’t for the same reason, but I cannot allow it to make me miss the life and blessings I already have.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thanks girl. He’s a total goofball. And you’re right. Life continues no matter what happens…and it’s up to us to keep right on living it. 🙂

  6. Mama Monkey says:

    You are very much right! But for your sake I hope you get a positive soon!!! Cute shot of your little man 🙂

  7. Ashley Sisk says:

    You’re so right…I tend to be reminded of that often.

  8. Mandi says:

    Life doesn’t stop just because you get a BFN… I’ve definitely learned that lesson over the last year and a half. You could either sulk or suck it up and move on enjoying the life you already have. Not that I am preaching to you… just sharing what I’ve learned too. And then sometimes it’s okay to let out your frustrations with a good cry. I really can’t stand it when people “encourage” me to just trust God when I get upset… like I can’t be heartbroken and trust in God at the same time. I know they mean well but you wouldn’t tell someone who just lost their parent not to get upset and trust God!
    Ok, I’m rambling…. You are doing good keeping the right attitude… and you are right it is one aggravating waiting game!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I am right there with you on that. I know there is a time and a reason and all of that. But you are right. No one wants to hear that OVER and OVER again. I would never say that to someone who had just lost a child or a family member because it really brings no comfort. And I know that if anyone understands the frustrations of a BFN, it’s you. Just remember that YOU and your little family are constantly in my prayers. When the time is right (for both us) I know we’ll be blessed. 🙂

  9. branson says:

    Waiting is never easy, even when we know it is right… at least not for me 😉

    • Courtney K. says:

      SAME here. I’m not at ALL the most patient person. Especially when I really want something. Which is probably why God has me waiting. 🙂

  10. Jessica says:

    Very good attitude to have.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.