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I let Megan Fox Ruin my Birthday

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  1. Kathryn says:

    I DO NOT like Megan Fox. For that very reason. I struggle with acne. Really bad acne (it runs in my family) so that has always been something that makes me feel un-beautiful (is that even a word?), but I have learned to just move on, that no one is perfect. God created all of us beautiful, I think you are beautiful on the inside and out and it sounds like your husband thinks so too! 🙂 Glad you were able to make a good decision about this.

  2. Jessica says:

    I am the exact same way and, even though it takes a lot of work, iba learned to make peace with myself and that life is about so much more than what I look like. Glad you are too.

  3. dude, just think of how much you get to enjoy cookies & ice cream & she doesn’t! i mean, you actually maybe could look like her if you wanted to be completely miserable & live on rice cakes & water. and then spend all kinds of money to have some work done like her too… i think you will probably agree your life is pretty fabulous as is!

  4. Amy says:

    Oh, Courtney! Thank you for sharing this story. I, too, struggle with my self-esteem (don’t we all in some way?) i LOVE the link to Just Be Enough. I will be checking that out soon!

  5. angela says:

    This is such a struggle for me. I’m glad that you had an epiphany over your (delicious) fries. I try to appreciate my body for what it can do and treat it kindly, but I feel like acceptance of it is a journey I’ll never really finish. I’m working on it, and I will keep this post in mind as I do.

    Thanks for linking at Just Be Enough.

  6. Ashley Sisk says:

    I know what you mean – I try to put stuff like that into the FAKE pile and not take it so seriously. I think she looks trashy though so I guess I don’t care if I look like her. HA HA

  7. Suzanne says:

    As a mom of three, I feel for you. After 16 years of marriage, this body of mine isn’t getting any better. I think it was only a few years ago I decided to love “what’s left of it” and stop punishing myself for not loving my body earlier (especially when it lacked stretch marks!)

    I have always blamed the media for why us women go through such turmoil, but it’s not like they’re listening. So you’re right! It’s time we realize, we are good enough! 🙂

  8. Jessica says:

    Darn that Megan Fox! I have done that many times, many many many times. I have problems with my skin so I can’t tan and I have always (I’ve gotten better as I get older because I realize that, for me, it’s be pale or get cancer) compared myself to those that are more tan than I am and that usually goes with those same folks being skinnier than I am too! Geez, I think it’s the media, they did this to us, they made a false reality of what we’re “supposed” to look like…screw you media and Megan Fox!

    Thanks for telling this, I know there are SO MANY out there that relate to you, I know I do!

  9. Dang you Megan Fox. So funny, because I was watching Transformers today while I was nursing and thinking the same thing!! So often we allow ourselves to compare what we are to others instead of loving ourselves for who we are. We are blessed mamas and I’ll take that over an over tanned size 2 anyday!!

  10. Oh my gosh if this doesn’t describe me I don’t know what does. Thank you for pouring out your heart! It makes those of us out there that feel the same way a little better knowing we aren’t sharing this struggle alone.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.