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The Skinny on Getting Skinny

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  1. Good for you!!! Eating healthy is such a struggle for me. With work and two little kids, I’m lucky if I get to eat breakfast or lunch at all. Forget trying to make a healthy meal. lol. And the same thing happened with my pregnancies. The weight just fell off after Bennett, but after Easton — I have an extra 8ish pounds that are clinging on for dear life. PLUS some pre-baby weight I was never fond of to begin with. I’m trying to work out a little more, though. Hoping it will help me tone up a bit!

  2. Dina says:

    Hi Courtney that is something I am after is getting a healthier me and going to bed on time.

  3. Lady Jennie says:

    Hi Courtney! 🙂 I can’t believe this is my first time here since meeting on FB! I love your blog – the photos, your faith, etc.

    I have gained a great deal of weight over the years, from anti-depressants, pregnancies, and fatigue that comes from weight gain (a vicious cycle). It’s hard in France because everyone is so thin here. I also struggle with coffee addiction and I know I’m better off drinking green tea, but I just love the bitter coffee taste (and the jump). I have a couple of French vegetable soup and salad recipes on my blog if you’re interested. But it’s true that most of the recipes come with cream!

  4. Alison says:

    I dropped the baby weight and more with my first, without any effort, in less than a year.

    This time around, not so much. I admit, I haven’t made an effort to lose any weight. I’m back to pre-pregnancy weight, but the weight has moved around to places I never saw them before (the pooch, hello). I think it’s great that you’re making a lifestyle change!

  5. Elaine A. says:

    It is SO, so easy to get out of control with your “diet” and the food you eat with the way food is presented to us these days. I know full well. Good for the both of you for realizing you needed to make a change. And yes, being healthy for you and your family is paramount! xo

  6. […] Expression Class. I’ve always been fascinated with beautiful still life work, and since we’ve taken to clean eating and forming better habits around our house, we had plenty of fresh fruit to serve as subject […]

  7. Sheyb says:

    I’ve been meaning to write a post about my Whole30 journey but haven’t made the time to sit down and write yet. Whole30 has been pretty awesome for me. There’s no eating dairy, processed anything, sugar, legumes, oats or gluten. Today is day 18, I’ve lost 7 pounds and inches off my waist. My skin is clearer, and I just feel better. I’ve decided that the only thing ill be adding back in to my diet once the Whole30 is over are oats.
    Good for you for getting healthy! That’s awesome! You won’t regret it!

  8. Amy W. says:

    Best of luck on your weight loss journey! I am also overweight according to my BMI, so I’m trying to cut out processed foods as well. I have done a good job at cutting out soda since my husband bought our SodasStream drink carbonator. . . now, I have fizzy drinks that are WAY fewer calories to enjoy as a treat! I am just now finishing my nutrition class for my Public Health degree, and the one thing that really stuck out to me in my learning is that when it comes down to it, balancing nutrient intake (meeting your requirements) and making sure your calorie intake is appropriate is STILL the “best way” to get lean and healthy, in addition to an active lifestyle. With all the new diets and crazes, it’s easy to get lost in “tips and tricks” and forget that what really matters is what we’re putting INTO our bodies in the first place!

    Good for you for focusing on your health! I have had the same experience, bouncing back quite well after baby #1 and having a harder time after Baby #2. . . if we keep a positive goal of lean and healthy, I’m sure we’ll get there, Courtney! 🙂

  9. Laura says:

    The only thing I don’t like about My Fitness Pal is that it gives you much too low of a calorie target. I like to get my calorie targets elsewhere and change my MFP calorie goals accordingly.

    I’m in such a funk right now because I’ve finally managed to fit running into my schedule. I did one run and then I got sick. Now I’m dealing with this bad cold that makes it hard to breathe in the best of times. Ugh. I just want to run and feel better in my body like I did after Cameron was born!

    • Amy W. says:


      the SAME thing happened to me! I started the Couch25K program on my iPhone and got into a running program and then it started to snow. CRAP! I couldn’t run. Then, as soon as I joined the Y to run on the treadmill, I got sick. Then my kids got sick (and my hubs was deployed) . . . I felt like I was fighting a losing battle for sure! But now that Spring is finally getting up here to New England, I have more options for activity – it’s not JUST the gym anymore 🙂

      It’s so great to see moms supporting other moms in our quests to live healthfully! Thanks for that tip about My Fitness Pal. I’ll have to check out that app!

  10. Jennifer says:

    Oh honey, you know that I know all about this. For healthy recipes go to skinnytaste.com. Everything of hers I’ve tried is good, and she uses real food, nothing processed. My favorite exercise is Zumba. I’m pretty sure you can get that on DVDs and I know even some of the game systems have a “game” of it that you can use to work out. Good luck!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.