I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Looking Forward…and Behind

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  1. Galit Breen says:

    Looking good lady! The site and the goals! 🙂

  2. Jackie says:

    OH MY GOSH YOUR KID IS CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (but you already know that!) I was going to write something else first, but then I saw his picture and kinda forgot what I was going to say. 🙂

    Oh, yes I remember. I’m starting my own business this year as well (GULP). My goal is to have made the paperwork official by Valentine’s Day. So, one of my resolutions was to get my butt organized. (To me, this will help me stay on schedule or wait… maybe to DEVELOP a schedule that I will actually stick with.)

    I can’t do the 365 projects either. I just do not have the time and nothing is THAT interesting to me that I want to be forced to do it everyday for one year in order to complete it. BUT, I did include a link on my blog post to this 52 week project that I’m doing for organization. If organization is part of your troubles, you might want to check that out.

    BTW–I loved everything about your son’s photos EXCEPT…. the Bama jersey!! You’ve never heard that saying? “My favorite team is Arkansas and whoever’s playing Alabama!” haha. 😉

    Jackie @

    • Courtney says:

      Awww, thank you Jackie!! I think he’s pretty stinkin’ cute myself. 😉

      Good luck with your new business! What will you be doing? Developing a schedule that works is the hard part. I have had several, but it’s finding something that works for our whole family that it tough. I will definitely check out your organization project. And if you’re looking for another Photography Project, you can check out my 52 Faces project I started. 🙂

      And…I think I’ll just let it slide and pretend I didn’t read that comment about Arkansas….ahem.

      Roll Tide. 😉

  3. I said it on Twitter, but I’ll say it here, too … I love the new site design!

    I think your goals are great. I can’t imagine being a WAHM. What you do is pretty incredible. I was going crazy just being home during our Christmas vacation time with my Noah (not that I don’t love him, but I am just NOT cut out for staying/working at home!).

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Misty! It’s hard (the work at home mom thing), but I make it work. I love what I do, I love being able to be home AND have a job that brings in some income. I’m just still trying to figure out the balance. 🙂

  4. Miranda Hartrampf says:

    I love the new look and the awesomeness of your most current accomplishment! I’m so excited for you! And thats a great list! Best of luck! Happy New Year 🙂

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks, Miranda! I’m excited for everything that’s to come! 🙂 Hope you and your family have had a great start to this New Year!

  5. Courtney says:

    New site is great! Congrats on all that has happened for you recently and best of luck with your goals for 2012. The 52 faces project sounds so fun. Looking forward to seeing those! These pics of Noah are great – especially the last. LOVE.

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks, love! He’s such a ham and growing more and more by the minute. Why didn’t anyone tell me these kids do that?!

  6. Barbie says:

    Your space is beautiful. You accomplish so much. I thought I was busy!

    Some of my goals this year:
    1. Read the Bible through in a year.
    2. Complete at least 3-4 in-depth Bible studies.
    3. Read 10-12 books this year (much lower than your 52, but perhaps my Kindle will help)!
    4. Spend more time with my family.
    5. Get healthy and lose weight!

    • Courtney says:

      What a GREAT list of goals! Let me know when you choose what Bible Studies you’re going to do. I’d love to do something deep and relatable. Getting healthy is always on my list. I’d love to lose a few pounds, too. I hope you have a WONDERFUL New Years!!

  7. Ashley Sisk says:

    I like how you’re approaching the year and I really believe that 2012 is going to be a huge year for you. Big hugs!

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Ashley! How have you been? I know that this year is going to be an AMAZING year for you, too! Let’s chat soon, please! 🙂

  8. Branson says:

    Your goal is to read 52 books… Mine is to read 6. Lol. I read crazy fast too, but just can’t find the time lately. I don’t know how you do it 🙂 You had a huge year last year! Look forward to seeing where 2012 takes you! Blessings, Courtney!

    • Courtney says:

      LOL I am going to have to carve out some SERIOUS time to sit and read. If I can find a good book, it’s not an issue. I can fly through a novel if I’m into it. 🙂

  9. Lofty goals. But, I have a feeling that you will accomplish those and more.
    Me? Today I’m actually setting time aside to sit down and process my plan for the new year.
    Happy New Year!

    • Courtney says:

      Thank you, Diane. 🙂 I have a few more things up my sleeve and hope to sit down and REALLY lay out and in-depth plan for the New Year. So many goals and ideas. 🙂

  10. Laura says:

    Good for you for setting some awesome commitments. It will be so interesting to see how they grow and develop as the year progresses.

    Also, I am amazed at what you are able to get done in a day. Just reading about it exhausts me.

    I haven’t yet sat down and enumerated a list of goals for this year yet, but I do have a few:

    -Read at least 35 books this year. I read 32 in 2011, so upping the number is an improvement. 🙂 Of these books, I want to keep up with the book club I started in my community, read 50% Canadian Literature, and at least restart if not completely “re”read the Lord of the Rings books, starting, of course, with the Hobbit.

    -Run a 10k. If all goes well, I won’t be able to start running until at least May, but I hope to get back into the swing of things. I really do miss it. I managed to run a 5k last summer, so a 10k needs to be in my future in 2012.

    -Attempt to read through the bible in a year. I’ve tried before and failed. Started again last night. 1/365 complete!

    -Take more photos. We’ll see if my photography progresses to anything again when I’m on mat leave. Right now I have no time to be professional while working full time and being a full time Mom. If I do, we’ll need a new camera ourselves. Our pro one has completely kicked the dust and my backup is starting to show its age.

    Happy New Year Courtney! And good luck with your goals!

    • Courtney says:

      Thanks, love! I’m excited to see what this year has in store. I am not sure how I accomplish anything either; but if you saw my laundry room you’d understand. There are a few things that I, unfortunately, have to let slide. Good thing Josh doesn’t mind digging his underwear out of a basket in the laundry room every morning.

      35 books sounds like a great goal! I’ll be excited to see what comes of the photography business. You have such a fabulous talent! Eep! So excited to continue to read about Baby #2!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.