I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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Life Changing

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  1. Courtney says:

    Such a cute pic of him! Yes, motherhood is life changing. Unreal how much you can love your children!

  2. Lane says:

    Having a child is such a magical, mind-blowing, incredible, beautiful, amazing thing. I have a 19 month old daughter and she is the light of my life. Everyday I look at her and I know how blessed I am.

    Great post and I must say, your little boy is very cute!

  3. Kimberly says:

    They really are life changers, in the best way possible.

  4. Galit Breen says:

    This? Is gorgeous. Truly.

  5. Sarah says:

    I love this so much. Beautifully written.

  6. Ashley Sisk says:

    It’s funny – first…I nearly cried and then I took a step back. I couldn’t have imagined myself being a mom either at 20 years old, but now I’m nearly 30 and can’t wait. It’s so funny how life changes.

  7. MommaKiss says:

    this is so beautiful. it’s unbelievable how much your life changes after a child…some bad, but mostly good 🙂

  8. Becky Campbell says:

    I remember all of my sonograms…from the first fuzzy little speck on teh screen, to the 3D movie I got that made me think something was wrong with my daughter!;) (She’s fine!) Pregnancy in itself was life changing for me! I was told I’d probably never be able to get pregnant…so when I saw those 2 pink lines show up (TWICE), I thought they were false positives!:( I’m so happy they weren’t and I’d never been so happy to know my doctor was wrong!!!:)

    P.S. The day you had your sonogram was my daughter’s 4th birthday!;) I just love that we both had something to celebrate that day!!

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      What an exciting moment that must have been for you!! Hearing that you would never be able to have children, only to prove the doctors wrong. How amazing.

  9. Christy says:

    <3 so sweet. Reading that brought me back to that ultrasound room where I first saw my little jellybean on that screen 🙂 I remember thinking 'that tiny little person is ours.' Such a sweet moment <3

  10. Jessica says:

    Kids are definitely life changers.

    • Courtney Kirkland says:

      That they are. I don’t think anyone ever realizes just how much that’s true until we become parents.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.