Noah with my daddy watching cartoons and eating Cheerios

Noah with Josh’s Daddy
Me with my beautiful family 🙂

Noah and his Daddy watching “Special Agent Oso” (Noah’s Favorite!)
Mommy’s Little Man 🙂
Hello my favorite bloggy friends. Just wanted to give a really quick update as to my where abouts the past few days. We got the dreaded (although much expected) phone call on Monday night that my granddaddy had passed away. As I said in a previous post, he had Congestive Heart Failure and was starting to go into Renal Failure. He has spent the past month or so in and out of the hospital and finally got the opportunity to go home. I think he willed himself back to good health because he always said that he didn’t want to die in a hospital.
He was watching the Braves game Monday night and went to get ready for bed and they think that he had a heart attack. Probably. But, they said it was very peaceful and very quick and that he very obviously didn’t suffer. Which is good. That’s the best that I could hope for. He had made his peace with God and knew he was going to heaven to be with my grandma…so all is well. I was upset on Monday when I got the phone call. We left at 10:30 and made the 6 hour trip that night…got to Alabama at 4 am…not so fun. But, God gave me such a sense of peace this week. I think he gave it to the entire family. There weren’t a lot of overly depressed tears shed. We all knew that he went peacefully…know where he is now…know that he is where he wants to be and is so much better off.
On a happier note…we did get the opportunity to take some family photos. It was the first time we had really been dressed up and had a camera around. And Noah got to see alot of family that we don’t see but maybe once a year. There were so many relatives and friends that hadn’t even seen Noah…some that hadn’t ever even met Josh! I have added a few photos from the past couple of days, but we will be in Alabama until Sunday morning so I know that there will be alot more to come. Plus, I am on the mother-in-laws computer right now and not used to her setup and I don’t have all of my photos saved right where I can get to them. Oh well. We will be here for a few more days. I am pretty sure I won’t get the opportunity to post anything else, but I’ll be back home on Sunday afternoon and will be able to get my blog back up and running. I will be doing another feature blog on Monday. If you want in the running, just post me a little comment right here on this posting and let me know 🙂 I’ll come check out your blog and I’ll post the winner on Monday sometime. Hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the week!