I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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In Waves

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  1. […] is week 10 in my 52 faces photo challenge. I’m linking this post up with Courtney Kirkland. Google Friend Connect is going away Spring of 2012! So, be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed so you […]

  2. Nessa says:

    How exciting that you are so busy! I hope you get some rest soon.

  3. Sarah says:

    AWWW. I love these sooo sweet. I hope you get some rest soon. I need to link up again but first I need to take some photos of them.

    By the way I tagged you http://sarahhalstead.com/random/eleven-things/ 🙂

  4. Mahina says:

    That is what I am fighting with right now. I go from tired to exhausted, back to tired! Let’s hope this vicious cycle ends soon.

  5. Mama Said says:

    I love the one with him sleeping. Such a sweet peaceful photo.

  6. Heather says:

    Just found your site via Raising little women blog. Love that last picture of your son sleeping, so sweet.

  7. Barbie says:

    Love that last photo. So peaceful. Praying for sweet rest and refreshing for you!

  8. Margaret says:

    Boy, do I understand that level of exhaustion! Time to schedule some down time. And…Roll Tide! Love the pictures – I want to do some of my grandson with his beloved trucks and cars.

  9. Rachel says:

    He has such lovely eyes! and I don’t know about you but I can NEVER get enough of sleeping little boys…so peaceful after such a busy day…

  10. Gerty says:

    sounds like time for a mug of hot chocolate, a good book and some quiet music. Hope you find time to “switch off” and recharge. 🙂

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.