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If Time Wasn’t a Factor

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  1. […] up and I started to question how I was spending my time. Despite how much I enjoy my job, sometimes it can be overwhelming to make time and do all of the things I want. There are times that sacrifices have to be […]

  2. In Waves says:

    […] just need to find time to throw in a nap every once in a […]

  3. MommaKiss says:

    Oh, the places the mind will go when daydreaming. If time wasn’t a factor, I’d knit more. With coffee by my side. I’d read much more than I already do. I’d read to my kids more. I’d walk the dog more. So much more.

  4. Laura says:

    If I had more time I would write more. A lot more. And read. It seems as my kids get older time just goes faster and I hate it.

  5. Shell says:

    I never really thought about it like this. I hope you do make time for the things on your list!

  6. If I had more time I would take a few chunks for me to just relax and breathe again!

  7. Ducky says:

    Love this idea! My If Time Wasn’t A Factor list could go on forever. It always seems that way… that there just isn’t quite enough time for everything. The positive side of that is that it has allowed me to eliminate all but that which is most important to me.

    Loved your post!

  8. If I had more time, I’d read. A lot.

  9. Gerty says:

    take photos. paint. buy flowers for people….oh, hang on. we’re talking about time. not money 🙂 in that case, play all the games my kids want to play with every single morning, after breakfast, instead of rushing to get ready for school.

  10. Lynn Kellan says:

    If time wasn’t a factor, I’d play more golf!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.