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I Hated High School

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  1. […] I Flunked out of College August 31, 2011 By Courtney K. Leave a Comment I’ve mentioned before that high school wasn’t exactly the highlight of my life. […]

  2. […] businesses and blogs is important to me. But, for whatever reason, I feel like I’m once again the high school outcast and I’m not cool enough. […]

  3. Laura says:

    Oh my, some of this story could be mine! I too hated high, all the cliques, I just didn’t fit in at all. I had a small group that I hung with but even with them I didn’t quiet fit in. The only club I was in was the art club, I think I got along better with the art teachers than I did with the students! People always seemed amazed when I tell them I hate high school, even my husband doesn’t quiet get it as even though he wasn’t in the “popular” crowd, everyone knew who he was (expect me, he was 3 years ahead of me!).

    Though I ‘ve grown more comfortable with who I am (thanks to my husband), I still find I don’t fit in with the other moms/parents and still have very few friends but coming across your site today, reading some of your post I realize that I’m not alone in how I feel, even if you are 10 years younger than me! Thank you.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you, Laura! It’s always so nice to realize that we aren’t alone in feeling like high school wasn’t the greatest thing ever. I still talk to people I went to school with who ramble on (even now) that it was “so awesome” and that they would “love to do it again.” Never been one of those people. I think I was much cooler then than people gave me credit for, but I just didn’t follow the crowd. I connected with my teachers, too. I was a total teacher’s pet, but not because I was a suck up. I just didn’t care for all of the high school drama.

      So happy you stopped by! I would love to see you around again! 🙂

  4. […] little things that seemed to wrap up your existence, just don’t mean that much. Whether it’s high school, college, or bad relationships…there are some things that just don’t […]

  5. I had a hard time fitting in in high school and college too and comparison is definitely my downfall. I still do it to this day and am trying very hard not to. It’s not at all what I want to emulate for my daughter. Not at all. I love your honesty in this though. Helps to know we’re not alone.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I think it’s human nature to compare. None of us really mean to, but it’s difficult when the entire world is telling you to be doing things a certain way. 🙂 You are most definitely not alone!!

  6. Lizzi S. says:

    Safe to say I was a dork. I didn’t hate high school, but I didn’t love it either. I just found an old diary I had in high school, and it appears I spent most of my time bored, on the phone with my best friend, and waiting for the weekend. College on the other hand opened up an entirely new world to me.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I have all of my journals from high school. I actually pulled them out tonight with the hopes of writing some blogs from some of the entries. Should be fun to go back and reread them all. 🙂 And yes, college brought on an entirely new world for me too.

  7. Kimberly says:

    I never liked high school either. I couldn’t deal with the drama and the cliques. I was friends with the popular kids, but more so by association, not for me. I never felt like I really fit in anywhere. But now? I’m a totally different person.

    • Courtney K. says:

      I feel the same way. The popular kids were nice to me and we associated, but it was never a “get together and go out on the weekends” kind of thing. I’m just thankful those days are behind me and I can revel in who I am NOW.

  8. a says:

    high school was a great learning experience but i would never EVER do it again. and it wasn’t even 5 years ago. gr.10 nearly ruined the relationship i had with my mom (thanks teenage rebellion & horrible boyfriend #1), gr.11 was a bit of a blur, but obviously couldn’t have been very important, and gr.12 was spent dieting, gyming, and throwing up in an attempt to have the ‘perfect grad’. which was completely forgotten about by summer. university definitely made up for it though! i hope i remember all of the things i went through so i won’t be so hard on my kids one day while they make the transition from pre-teen to teen to young adult!

    • Courtney K. says:

      I couldn’t agree more! My relationship with my mom was pretty off and on during high school. We bonded over some issues, and fought over others. Now that I’m a mom, I feel a bit guilty for giving her such crap during those days of rebellion. And you’re right! It will definitely give me a fresher perspective when my son (and hopefully one day a daughter) hit those teenage years!

  9. Miranda H. says:

    I didn’t fit into a specific group, my friends (people form most every group) called me the glue because I had a weird way of getting for example ‘jocks’ and ‘goths’ or ‘nerds’ to hang out with each-other and actually like each-other. But yeah, gosh I actually loved highschool

  10. Shawntae says:

    Oh man I was such a brat in highschool. I wish I could go back and concentrate more on school then boys and being “popular” none of that matters in the real life. I am glad that what you went through back then made you stronger but still High School is so so lame. I laugh at the girls i used to babysit and they are in high school now and all they care about is being popular.

    So dumb.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Ugh, right? It cracks me up to be around a bunch of high school girls now. I laugh to myself, remembering when I was there and thought the entire world revolved around who was dating who and who was going to the football game on Friday nights. So happy those days are over.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.