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I Flunked out of College

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  1. Jessica says:

    Love this Courtney, love that you have made peace with your decisions. I too have finally gotten to a place where I feel comfortable with the decisions I’ve made and what has gotten me to this point and it feels great, doesn’t it?
    Your site looks great too, every time I visit you I tell myself I need to visit more often.

    • Courtney K. says:

      YES you should! LOL you should come back every day! 🙂 And you’re so right. It feels so…freeing to making peace and come to terms with the mistakes of the past and embrace the possibility of the future. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

  2. In my experience, the college degree doesn’t always trump life experience anyway, I’m glad that where you are now is fulfilling and that you know you can achieve anything you strive for, that the degree does NOT define you. Or any of us.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Life experience is so much more valuable than education, in my opinion. Anyone can learn what’s in a book, but learning to apply those principals is what really counts.

  3. SUPAHMAMA says:

    Amazing isn’t it how our best laid plans are the ones that never work out? I still think back to all the colleges I was accepted to and then think to now and how different my life would be had I chosen a different path. Glad to hear you’re happy with how your life has turned out thus far despite the “college” disappointment. 🙂

  4. Courtney says:

    I don’t use my degree and I have no desire to. And I will be paying student loans til I’m 80.

  5. Jessica says:

    I don’t consider my college degree worth anything…at least not in the town I live. At my last job I was the ONLY one besides my boss to have a 4-year degree and still got passed over for promotions and stuff. THe only good thing was that I found design through college and it did help my hubby land his wonderful job.

    I was one of those people who never opened a book or read a chapter through High School or college but I will say that I made WAY worse grades in College than in High School…I always say that if I would have actually TRIED, I might have been able to do really well…but really, who cares? My attitude was “if I get this degree, nobody’s gonna care what my grades were” which was totally true and now I’m not using my degree or anything anyway….

    I think that it’s totally up to you on what college means…if it means success, do it, if it doesn’t, don’t…that’s my theory!

    You’re great and look at you now 🙂

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thanks girl! Agreed! I don’t know that a college degree would ever really be worth anything for me. It’s not something that I even really care about now.

  6. Kathryn says:

    Such an honest post! 🙂

    I too, did not finish college, but not because of the same reasons. I went to a Christian college, but they had very high academic standards, and I just could not keep up with the grades no matter how hard I tried. I finally went home after two years and finished online with just a general Associate’s Degree. I still want my Bachelor’s but no money for it now. I am just happy to be a wife and a momma!

    I think that you are smart woman and you know what you want. You don’t need a college degree for that. You go girl for achieving your dreams!

    • Courtney K. says:

      Thank you, Kathryn! I’m extremely happy doing exactly what I’m doing now. And the degree I was pursuing would have been totally useless at this point!

  7. Shell says:

    You know- at that age- it’s amazing the responsibility we expect kids to take on.

    It’s a wonder any of us ever gets through even a single semester.

    A mistake? Sure. But it led you to where you are now.

    • Courtney K. says:

      EXACTLY. That’s a lot of pressure on an 18 year old. I hope I can always remember that and implement that mentality when Noah gets to be that age.

  8. Lindsey says:

    I graduated high school on the honour roll and got a small scholarship for university. I lost it by the end of the first year. I basically did what you did – drank, partied and worked instead of cranking out papers. I never wanted to be a “career” woman – I always wanted to settle down, marry and have kids – and that’s mainly why I think I didn’t put in 100%. And when I was 18, picking a university program that would interest me for the rest of my life? Impossible.
    I did make it through and graduate without any victory laps, but my post-secondary experience was negative enough that if my kids want to take a year off after high school to figure themselves out I will wholeheartedly allow it.

    • Courtney K. says:

      Same here. My best friend and roommate always said that we were working toward our MRS degree. We both wanted to have kids and get married. And we both got it. I would be a complete advocate for encouraging my son to take a year (or two) off to figure out who he is and what he wants out of life before jumping into college. I think it would make a HUGE difference.

  9. Kimberly says:

    Sometimes college isn’t for everyone. I took a year off after high school (I HAD to, I had a baby) and then went back. I struggled. It wasn’t for me. I was working towards a major that I didn’t really want, but felt that I had to do. I didn’t enjoy it. So eventually I stopped going and withdrew. To this day I still haven’t finished my degree. I’m 2 semesters away, but you know what? It’s credits towards a major that I’m not interested in anymore.

    Life has a funny way of changing its course on us when we don’t expect it. Sometimes we don’t even see it happening. But always? It makes us better people.

    • Courtney K. says:

      That’s the path I was on, too. I was working toward a degree (actually about 5 of them) that I would never use now. One day I’d like to go back, but start over completely with a clean slate and work toward something that I REALLY enjoy.

  10. Austin-Lee says:

    Love this post! It’s amazing what the support of someone you love can do!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.