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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Chantel says:

    I do agree with most of what you say I have to wonder when you say to be amongst all of the people where exactly does that mean? I have been through much of the same as you but added to the abusive spouse that I am still with and by the grace of God he is a new creation, I have almost died lying in a hospital with to young babies wondering how there life would be and will my husband hold on to Jesus and so many more things that the Lord has rescued me and givene piece in! In my walk I have learned people attract certain kinds of people, usually ones that have gone through similar things, there is no wrong or right in that, some of us will reach beyond those and dig deeper into our spiritual walk with Christ but as Christ did we go, we teach the good knews which is the whole truth and if our friends, brothers and sisters decide to stay in there sin we must move on, dust our feet, there are more to reach!!! At the same time, those who I had to leave know that wherever, whenever they need me they can call! There are the same kind of people in and out of church, the sad thing today is that the church looks more like the world because we have become fenclined people, never sure how much we can say or do because of hurting or pushing away the unbeliever, there are mature believers who know how to reach out in love and say lets see what our father says about this and let’s see what he would ask of us. It’s not to hurt or to turn off, if we speak the truth of the living word it is never in vain, the saints are just as abused and battered if not more than the unsaved, if these things were not so our country would be in a better place and not trading eternity for the more popular easy way gospel which is tolerance, when you decide it’s ok to stay in the lions den and decide your ways are better than His something will happen and more than likely we the people of God become more like, we the people of the world, blind to the fact that the word says few will enter! It’s sad but true, not everyone one will enter the kingdom of God but it’s our job to reach as many as possible and plant seeds and show them a life lived where the Holy Spirit resides, that life should be ever changing becoming more like Christ, pure and holy without blemish, we cannot ever be him but he says we will
    do greater things and he lived a life of pursecution to show us it is possible to be holy, our hearts are read by God and God alone, he knows the truth behind every action and makes away for those who are trying to find there way; if they choose to turn away well then your work at that time is done with them except for praying of course and that should never cease! I am in a church of 4000 and have been in churches of 20, I have to say it is not about the numbers it is about the truth, if we feel beat up its because we have been by the enemy, the one wants us to see the other person wether in church or not against us; I just told my mom the holy than thou who every one feels beat up by in church or no different than the arrogant and popular out in the world that continue to where the believers down, it’s a choice of where to stand and be strong enough to stand even when people say you are over board, holier than thou , you have no right to judge, your making big mistakes in your kids lives, you use to be fun, you don’t have to be so black and white; well the Word of God is black and white I hope God can use us to show people that his way is freedom, all old things will fall away when we commit and and believe he is our Lord and Savior, to believe is to follow his ways, we may fall but we just have to get back up, that old thing will lose its grip and we will be made new in the name of Jesus!!!
    It’s not common for me to respond but I saw a friend of mines daughter shared and I hope she really understands that the church is the people who really follow Christ, and not out in bars or places where her own pureness may be at risk, we can be friends and do life with people without damaging our witness, we want them to look more like Christ and not more like the world, Jesus went into theses places where others said he shouldn’t be but he did not take up residence there!!!

  2. Lauren says:


    Your post speaks to so many people. I am so happy to have found a church where our literal goal is “to be among them” and our motto is “no perfect people allowed.” The church I go to is Worship on the Water at the Flora Bama. Yes, our church is in the famous honky tonk bar. God’s radical grace can be felt moving through this place and these people. Please visit sometime! http://www.centralonline.tv/flora-bama/

  3. David says:

    But if they had had Porsches in Jesus’ day, he might have been tempted to give up the donkey.

  4. Adrienne says:

    Philippians 2:1-11

    Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

    5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
    7 rather, he made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature[b] of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
    8 And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
    even death on a cross!
    9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
    10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
    11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

  5. kathy engelkens says:

    I have struggled with many of the things you have shared in regards to the church. I find it difficult to go to church and tithing is something I don’t want to do. I hate being bitter and have prayed many times over this. Thank you for this article.

  6. Sheralee Charles says:

    Beautifully written. I love that video. I have often felt like the least of these. I haven’t always made good choices, and some days I still make really bad ones. I don’t expect people to like or accept my sin. I really have come to a place in my Christian walk where I look for God’s approval more than man’s approval. (I think that comes with being the black sheep in the family.) Some days, I find it hard to forgive myself for being who I was. All that said, I don’t even want to imagine where I would be now if I didn’t have amazing friends who didn’t give up. They stood for truth, and they didn’t give up. They also didn’t look down on me when I finally came around and admitted I needed God. They just loved me even more. It was during that time that I learned my value to God. I was one of those shouting “Don’t judge me!!”, but when I realized they weren’t judging they were trying to pull me off a ledge. A ledge I was jumping over. A ledge that was dangerous and destructive. A ledge that I was too blind in my deception to see. After I jumped, they were there to pick up the pieces. I am so grateful for them all. Grateful they spoke up even when it wasn’t easy. Thankful they never compromised the truth to make me feel better about my sin. Sometimes we just have to speak the truth in love, and let God handle the fallout. Call it what you will …..judgement….whatever. I have pledged myself to be one of those who will speak the truth no matter what it costs me personally. God will take care of the rest! BTW I took a nose dive into homosexuality, and came out with many scars and disease. God has redeemed me, the time I lost, and my destiny and purpose. But none of that would have happened if I didn’t have loved ones who didn’t compromise the truth of my son and God’s immaculate love!!

  7. Dendee Walker says:

    Thank you for sharing this video. I agree whole heartedly that we need to be like Jesus with everyone!!! Loving unconditionally and forgiving unconditionally!!! Remember that it is not what you wear but why you are there when attending church. Also, step outside the four walls of the church and our comfort zones to reach out to the lost, broken, and hurting!!! Thank you for speaking boldly about our responsibilities as followers of Christ!!! May God continue to Bless you, your family, your church, and your ministry!!!

  8. Stephanie Thorade says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! This is soooooooooo good! 🙂

  9. Joy Fisher says:

    this is true of many Christians, but not all. I believe we need to leave the judging up to God and show our love to the downtrodden, the lost ones, and those that are seeking. This should be a wake-up call to those who think they are better than any other sinner.

  10. Nicole says:

    Beautifully written. I love my church because we are transparent about our walks and our struggles. The only thing I would wish for Jesus followers is that we don’t abandon Christianity because of the stigma that follows it. For those of us who are trying to follow the gospel, we have to stand up for it and show people that we are the Christians, not the ones spreading hate.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.