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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Loretta Gallegos says:

    This message has Blessed and touched me today…..I was praying and asking God to forgive me of my transgressions and to help me get past myself to get to Him….I believe all things happen for a reason and I was suppose to read this message today!…..God Bless You

  2. Becky says:

    Your story almost twins my own. Thanks for the message and the blessing.

  3. Deanna says:

    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” –Gandhi

    • James says:

      I use this quote quite often, but some people think that it means Ghandi was anti-Christian. I try to explain that he respected the word of Christ but so few seem to follow that word. After a week that started out on such a bad note (my cat died next to me Sunday morning) the outpouring of concern and kindness from my Facebook friends has been overwhelming! Then Friday evening after the surprising SCOTUS ruling (I am gay) I then told all that I am gay. Some already knew, some suspected and some had no clue – and again, the love and support I have felt from so many has been astounding! With some we have agreed to disagree but it has not changed the connection that we had years ago and still have today. Then I click on this link on my page and behold – logic AND religion? I thought the two had been separated permanently judging from conversations I have tried to have with “religious” people! Thank you Courtney for the video message, it felt like I had written it! Enjoyed reading the responses and then I see Deanna use one of favorite quotes here – gave me a little chill (in a GOOD way). Just as I tell people not to judge all gays by what they see in the media, I must remember that the few “Christians” shouting their intolerance are the minority and I need to listen to that quiet, calm voice. Again, thanks, this was EXACTLY what I needed and I know that it will help to restore my faith. Peace, Love and Understanding to you and yours.

  4. kathi whitman says:

    Thank u so much.

  5. Ben says:

    Nobody is saying Christians are better than other people. We don’t hate people, we hate sin. Sin separates us from God. Nobody is perdect. We all sin, and we all seek forgiveness. I’d say around only 25% of people who claim to be Christians actually live their lives the way God wants us to everyday. I agree some Christians judge and hate more than they should, but putting all Christians in that category is unfair. Most people who avoid the people you talked about are doing so to stay away from temptations. We’re human and we’re easily tempted to sin. I want to be a christian, I am a christian, and I wish everyone would get to heaven. If I have lived a life to receive the gift of heaven and I see a prostitute and a murderer with me, I’d rejoice. Every soul is a soul that needs saving.

  6. Just what I was looking for says:

    I haven’t seen many posts on here about being harassed or criticized by Christians, so I want to give you my story so you can see and feel the other side of us.

    I grew up in what is celebrated in my southern state as one of the best towns for those seeking acceptance in being close to God. And it was great for Christians. Public prayers everywhere, no shame put upon anyone for their belief in Jesus Christ. It looks so. dang. happy. on the outside.

    And I had to as well, or else.

    I grew up going to church as a child. I was always a “why-er”, which was never appreciated. When I hit eleven, my home life went crazy. An older sibling left my world and entered into the world of violence and drugs and hurt me in many ways that I am finally starting to recover over. I was left with massive anxiety and depression. When I got my first period, my cramps were so terrible that I could not walk. They would last two weeks at a time.

    The reason I tell you these things is, like everyone else, I had a set of difficult problems I had to work with like everyone else. Problems that required deep compassion from others. I watched others get their compassion, but I did not receive it from Christian adults or classmates. And it has taken me so long to take the massive chip off of my shoulders and fear in my heart away that my celebrated little town gave me.

    For my periods, they prescribed me birth control. Those classmates had seen me om the floor wailing in pain from my condition. They dismissed me as a slut when a girl at a sleepover saw me taking it. It took forever to get the medication. Even though I had a clear condition that doctors acknowledged and an easy solution they acknowledged, I was not married and only 13, which meant giving me birth control was immoral. Yes, I did get it eventually. Yes, it did fix everything! No, I did not start having sex!

    When I admitted that I couldn’t see a God through all my suffering, my ‘friends’ and even some of the religious leaders told me to have fun bathing in the flames of hell. I was so lost and needed so much help.

    When the 2008 election happened and my classmates all began to say they hope all the gays die and that Obama was assassinated, I told them that that was such an unkind and dark hearted thing to say. They called me a liberal! And I lost my group of friends! I was alienated for my spiritual feelings and my depression spiked so much I tried to take my life. I finally gained them back, but even now post college I can tell their love for me is incredibly conditional. I am their friend first and foremost because, “you will be a Christian one day!” They say things to me like “love the sinner hate the sin!” Which makes me feel so entirely low in their eyes.

    When I finally found the man who I most definitely want to spend all of my adventures with, who shared with me his spirituality and didn’t try to ‘fix’ my brokenness but instead showed me his way of loving everyone and everything around him, my friends with the conditional love told me to leave him. One of my coworkers, upon meeting him even told me to my boyfriend would surely beat me and would never truly love me to our faces because he wasn’t a Christian. My boss, who is celebrated in the local church as being a pillar of the community, didn’t bat an eye.

    I have to fake who I am and what I believe on a daily basis just to get by here in the south. I am human. I want love and friends. The thought of my family and friends treating me the way they did the few times I did expose myself makes me cry.

    And one day, I am going to fly out of this place and find somewhere that is so much less filled with it’s kind of love.

    Jesus was a great man. I’ve read the bible front to back. But please think of making your actions more like his and less like pop culture Christianity. You never know what little confused girl you are scaring and causing to cry in her room alone because she feels so incredibly unworthy to all of you.

    • Carol says:

      My heart hurts for you. I too was a teen girl on the pill to control the pain & bleeding. I also was judged because of it when others found out.
      I’m now a mom having to explain to a Christian school why my teenager is on the pill (same reasons).
      I also had a horrible home life that the Pastor’s wife refused to believe when I told her because my mom was such a great christian & so involved in the church.
      please done let what happen turn you away from a relationship with Jesus. Allow Jesus to turn these painful scars into tender spots for others. To be able to love others in a way you weren’t. Believe me, I know what I’m asking of you because I asked it of myself.
      Some of my unsaved friends say I’m the most unusual christian they have ever met & I say thank you! Jesus was unusual too!

  7. Erin says:

    That was a great message . I’ve been saying the same thing for years . This is how I always put it : I’m too Churchy for the World and too Worldly for the Church ! Meaning exactly what you just wrote about ! Jesus Died for ALL of us to be saved.

  8. Erin says:

    Thaat a great message . I’ve been saying the same thing for years . This is how I always put it : I’m too Churchy for the World and too Worldly for the Church ! Meaning exactly what you just wrote about ! Jesus Died for ALL of us to be saved.

  9. Tracy Higginbottom says:

    I have to tell you I have steered away from reading any Christian blogs or Articles for around two years. That is when I was separated and divorced from my husband of 23 years. He came from a Christian family and by all appearances seemed to be a good Christian man. I was saved when I was a teen but came from a non-Christian home and had very little time in church. Things seemed normal at first, but over the next 23 years I would find myself in a very abusive relationship. Oh it didn’t start physical or drastic, just a little worse every day, month, and year, and all while being in the Church. It became a life of appearances versus how we lived behind closed doors. Every time it would escalate a little further he would apologize, pray, shout scripture and I would once again try to understand and be forgiving, to see the man Christ wanted him to be. And then it would go right back to the way it was before, and I would be left wondering how this could possibly be what a Christian life was supposed to be. When the abuse became physical I couldn’t even call it what it was, I couldn’t wrap my brain around any of it. The hurt and the betrayal was almost more than I could bare. And all the while he quoted scripture, denied what was truly happening, pretended to ask forgiveness. When I finally left him, and believe it was almost more than what I could do, he involved the pastor and his wife, trying to get me to stay. He admitted to some of it, saying he had failed God, and begging forgiveness, and I was condemned for not forgiving also. But that is what I had been doing for 23 years. I was made to feel like I wasn’t a Christian, with the pastor’s wife asking me if I was sure that it was rape, and not just me not being in the mood. All the people I thought were my Christian friends deserted me because I filed for divorce when he was so repentant and was trying to change. Yet all the while he was stalking the kids and I. It was a nightmare and with very little support or help from the people I thought were there for me. I haven’t been to church since. This article is the first thing I have read in a long time that was “Christian”. It really touched me. It’s hard for me to separate “Christians” and “Church” and true faith now.

  10. Steve says:

    well said and well done

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.