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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Joann says:

    Only one is sinless, He went to the cross for us. We all are sinners, yet when we accepted Christ into our hearts, we are to turn from our sin and strive to be Christlike. That does not say that we will become perfect or better than anyone else, for in some way , we will fail every day and fall short. That is why we ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us each day! We can’t do it on our own, and we deal with our old self every day.

  2. Michelle Harper says:

    Oh my goodness. This really spoke to me. Thank you!

  3. Jeff says:

    What an awesome article and the video is right on the money. I think one of the biggest problems that the scoffers of others has is their inability to see that they too are sinners. Church is for the “sick” not the high and mighty.

  4. Bethany says:

    I appreciate this post. Powerful reminder of who we are called to be.

  5. MISSY says:

    We needed this.

  6. Robert Lee says:

    This was spot on! As we say down here in the south, that cow gave some good milk and meat, I am gonna milk that cow and chew on the meat while I am at it. I will show the video and modify the topic to fit my testimony and then preach it out loud. Then close with video of Jason Crab song Someone Like Me. Keep up the fight against religion and preach the relationship ……..Thanks for sharing!

  7. Linda Eubanks says:

    Your article was timely, well-written and humbling.The attitudes and judgments are the dichotomy of the Christian life. Now in my “golden years” I’m learning, once again, that it is more natural, more satisfying to be with Jesus than hang out with “The Church Lady”! Kindness and joy are my goal, prayer is in every breath. My Beloved knows that I am His; to share that is my privilege. Thank you for reminding me.

  8. Rebekah Stitt says:

    This post. I don’t even know where to start. I guess first, I should say that the title drew me in. I was like what? It kind of baffled me. So I read. And then I watched the video. And it hit home. I’ve done, and felt the same things from a church that I called home. From people I thought were my family in Christ. And it turned out that those people did the opposite of what Christ would have done according to the situation I was in. It took me a while to realize that it was okay. That Jesus still loved me. And it took a few years to forgive and let go. But this video and your post are encouraging to say the least. We are all one in Jesus. He teaches us to love like he does and that’s how we should live. And today, with all the commotion of same sex marriage being legalized, I realize that all we are suppose to do is love. That’s it. Love. Love one another. We are all human beings. Whether right or wrong doings. Your post has opened my eyes to love again. Thank you.

  9. Karen says:

    Well written, eloquent, and truly on-point. We are all sinners. All sin is despicable and hateful in God’s eyes, and no sin is “better” than any other.

    Actually, the Church needs sinners of all types to be strong. Together we stand strong and united against all sin and temptation. This is how we stand in Communion and support eschohet on our journey to our true home. We can only do this if we know how to overcome sins of all type.

  10. Keely Grantham says:

    I love reading your posts. You are real, nothing fake. All my life Ive believed the lie that I’m not good enough.. My Mom sends me weekly texts to remind me just how good enough, I’m not.. The way they raised us was part of the reason I have always felt this way. Today’s text message sent me over the edge. I nearly lost it.. I came across your post, and video while in my room crying.. And I sent it to her in response to that text. Well, needless to say, she didn’t respond back. (Not a shocker)
    Maybe, just maybe she read this and watched it..

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.