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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Randy Ralston says:

    Watching that video makes me want to be Christian more. The church is made up of people. Sin is the characteristic that is common among all people. Christians sin like every other person. We are convicted to forgive others and the cross of Jesus Christ is what allows us to overcome our sin and as the video says, we Christians are supposed to love: our neighbors, sinners, the person sitting next to us on the barstool and the pew at church. Not all churches condemn or judge others. Don’t make the same mistake and judge all Christians for the mistakes of a sinner that you met on a pew.

  2. Andrea says:

    One of the best ministers I know once said ” we must not put our religious posture ahead of our religious practice.” What an excellent article you wrote to go with that!!

  3. Tracy says:

    I have gone from church to church and all of them have looked at me with a condemning eye and judgmental attitude. I am covered from head to toe in tattoos but I am the type of person who will give the shirt off my back for those in need and the first to walk away from a conversation condemning someone else’s actions with a remark that you don’t know the situation and their sins are between them and God. God loves us all I am not accepted for who I am but I pray everyday that God will accept me for who I am and forgive me for my transgressions and I certainly don’t have time to worry about other people’s sins ans actions.

    • Michael says:

      Hi Tracy

      I am sorry for your experience, but I have a few comments. Firstly, not all churches will condemn you for your tattoos. My church in Las Vegas actually has a tattoo ministry. This ministry works wonders in Las Vegas, because tattoos are completely socially acceptable. Unfortunately, churches are full of sinners who are influenced by many cultural and social factors that have nothing to do with the Word.

      Secondly, in the same way that you want people to accept you for who you are, it is also necessary to accept them with all of their faults and misconceptions. Churches are by definition full of sinners. Most churches are filled to the brim with folks who are guilty of the sin of pride and self-righteousness. Fortunately, thanks to the grace of God, they too will be saved just like you or I. It is only in heaven that we will all be cured of the foibles of the flesh. My personal feeling is that a real sign of trouble is when you walk into a church and everyone is perfect.

      Finally, have you ever considered that God put you in that place for a reason. You may be exactly what that community of believers needs to move closer to Christ. Perhaps you have been sent there to lead them out of the dark and back into the light. I apologize for the cliches, I know this is much easier said than done, but never underestimate the power that Christ exerts when he works through his followers.

      In the end please don’t stop searching, God has a place for each and everyone of his children and if you trust Him he will place exactly where he want you to be, even if that place is not what you expected.

  4. Becke says:

    Thank you!!! The God you speak of is the God I love!

  5. Diana says:

    The only Truth that matters is in the Word of God; not in the opinion of man.
    “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1”
    But keep in mind that we don’t have the privilege to pick and choose God’s instructions.
    “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; Matthew 5:44″
    It’s not as hard as it sounds after you get past the first few it gets easier.
    ” Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34″
    Beware that Satan will continually try to distract you from hearing the truth.
    “The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: John 10:10”
    Because he wants to steal the Truth.
    “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17”
    Keep the Faith. I’ve read the end of the book, WE WIN.

  6. Adam says:

    Did she seriously just put murdering people in the same category as stealing a pencil and not helping someone in need..? Okay I’m not religious at all but I get that you’re saying that everything wrong is a sin, but to disagree with you, there are “bad” sins, murder is one of them.

    • Jen says:

      That is one of the fundamentals of our faith.

      1. One sin, any sin, is too much, so we need a savior.
      2. No sin is too big for God’s forgiveness.

      So, in that light, you CAN compare murder with stealing. The sins aren’t graduated… Any one of them take away your righteousness.

  7. Eileen says:

    God gave you a wonderful gift of words. Amazing, really.

    But most Christians are not struggling with loving their neighbors and displaying the love of Christ (to anyone/everyone). It’s the LGBT agenda to impose their will on us, thereby infringing on our religious liberties.

    It’s men who claim to be women and who now share a locker room with our daughters. It’s bakers and florists not being able to hold to their convictions without great persecution.

    So for the everyday meetings, I say love – Love – LOVE; however, when it comes to social engineering, I say FIGHT!

  8. Lori Willey says:

    when you stand in front of God as a Christian at the pearly gates, you won’t be judged for your sin because Christ died for you and your sin is “as far from the east is from the west”. You will be seen as white as snow because you’ve been washed clean by the blood of Christ. It is like a person in court charged with a crime but instead of reviewing all your crimes, Jesus your attorney says “I’ve paid all of her debt (fines, etc). The way you just described judgement further alienates non-Christians because they see God as an unpleasable, ranting judge. That is NOT the nature of God. When God “judges” a believer after they die, it is a judgement for rewards in heaven and jewels for your crown (that you will put at the feet of Jesus).

    • Grant says:

      Amen sister Lori! The Bride of Christ is NOT going to be present at the Great White Throne Judgement because it is reserved ONLY for the lost. No, we will partake in the Judgement Seat of Christ at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

      In light of the SCOTUS ruling Friday and many remarks on facebook and other social media, I feel moved to point out….

      “judge not lest you be judged” is probably the most misused and misapplied command in the entire Word of God, both by believers and nonbelievers. It could not be more relevant than it is today. The lost use this text as a shield to deflect from their own sin, but see no problem judging Christians as “bigots” and “haters” if we oppose their sin. The hypocrisy is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I call it “intolerant” tolerance. I’m offended by everyone being offended by everything all the time. What’s so irritating is how “intolerantly” tolerant our politically correct society has become! Tolerance of today’s postmodern world of moral relativism means nothing even remotely close to the centuries old classic definition.

      As I observe our postmodern world of today, I see the USA is in a serious moral free fall. As the great pastor Adrian Rogers put it so well back in 2005 —

      “Society has replaced truth with tolerance, virtue with values, character with competency, and courage with compromise.”

      I add my own prefixes to these terms in the above statement – “intolerant” tolerance, “morally relative” values, “self-centered” competency, and “misguided” compromise. What we desperately need is Godly truth, virtue, character, and courage. Is it too late?

      • Shirley says:


      • Linda says:

        I think you just single handedly proved the author’s point….the anger, deflection of blame, moral judgments…are not AT ALL in line with Christ’s teachings. And no, I am not “intolerant of your intolerance”, but comments like yours are what drive people farther from Christianity, instead of bring them closer.

  9. Peter ledwith says:

    Very very true. No wonder people get turned off christianity when they see the hipocricy and self righteousness. People need the jesus that meets them were they are at. The holy spirit brings conviction….not the church. We are meant to love people. If people meet the holy spirit in us…….he will bring people to repentance. If you say your a christian…….show it.

  10. Elijah Temple says:

    This is a beautiful story, this is the “Christian” Church that has been in the making since early in our history. The truth is that there is no such thing as a “Christian” anymore. The countless number or Protestant Denominations and before that the corruption in the Catholic Church. It leads to thousands of different interpretations. But what I I told you that Christs Church, the Church of Peter and Paul still exists? Truly I say to you that is the Orthodox Church. We have not lost these values. I go to church and see these people that you describe don’t exist everyday, the same church that brought my father out of drunkedness. The Church where instead of looking upon the broken with spite and judgment we greet them with open arms and joy and welcome them HOME.
    I am Antiochian Orthodox Christian in Alaska, the doors are open for all those seeking the true incorruptible Church.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.