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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. […] or one exact moment where I can say I changed my mind. Maybe it was the post I read entitled, I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”, where I realized I wasn’t alone in my thoughts., maybe it was something else… Whatever […]

  2. Stephen says:

    I’ve had the same problem, with church, no one liked me. So I stopped going, it was ok at first, then I felt lonely and needed fellowship. After a number of years my wife and I found a small church, it was a good place to be, everyone there had problems and everyone loves to reach out to people, it was cool!!!!! Church is not perfect but we still need to go and reach out to others.

  3. Gene Call says:

    Good and needed point but for me I do not want to say I don’t want to be a Christian. I am a Christian—a Christ follower. The church I attend and participate in does have some people that have seen the hard side and times of life. They are partly there because they were hurting and wanting the “balm of Gilead” applied to their wounds. They are partly there because I encouraged them to be there as a safe place to be real, be hurt, and be healed.

    I hear you saying the same thing in a different way and so the comment really is to underscore the message I hear from your blog: as Christians, we need to be walking beside—not judging all brothers and sisters from every walk of life—just as Jesus and the original Apostles did. That’s how we do real church!

  4. RUTH MITCHELL says:

    I need to improve my daily walk with God by spending more time in His Word. I say to myself I don’t have time. But it’s a lie of the worst kind: to myself. I just don’t have the commitment. I’ve been a Christian for 49 years, and very involved in serving Him until 2006. Then I just quit. Things were going wrong in my life, my health, marriage and family relationships were failing; no one cared and no one listened. In 2009 my mom died. In 2010, I wanted to. Still don’t care one way or another. But I know God still has a purpose for me being here or I wouldn’t be. (Jeremiah 29:11)
    I just need to get my life back into God’s hands & out of mine.

  5. Sue says:

    My own family are very Christian right wing praise the lord and to hell with the poor. My brother will pray to God and call the president nigger the next. One day my brother said “Sue you are probably the most Christian one of the family. You always forgive”.
    I have refused to attent church because of the way the “Christians” go and pray and been good but as soon as they go out the door they trun to their normal day today hateful lives.
    I was considered the sinner by becoming pregnant at 20. I married my husband (now almost 40 years). I was a shame to the family even though my brother and his wife became drunks, were arrested lost drivers licenses, too thousands from my parents. I was the sinner.
    I tried getting their acceptance by donating my kidney to my dad. After our parents deaths my sister was left everything…..2 million….And because she was such a good Christian she kept every penny and everything for herself and my brother. All because I am a sinner and dont believe in their ideas of being a Christian.
    We have struggled and asked for nothing from family for 40 years but I still do my best for forgive. I am not a Christian but I do believe in Christ and what he stood for.

    • Gene Call says:

      —hear your pain Sue and agree that you were wronged! What I ask you to hear is that you were “wronged” by people—in this case your own family—not by people who were living an authentic Christian life but people who are like all of us to some extent—sinners! As some say in the South “you are not a biscuit just because you stick your head in the oven! Please don’t throw the baby out because the bathwater is dirty as the old saying goes. Christians are called to be authentic Christ followers striving to be obedient to God so that they enjoy a great way of living, please God and demonstrate to the world what a Christ-follower truly looks like.

  6. This is beautiful, Courtney. You are beautiful. I’m proud of you and yes… I too am not a Christian. I am a Christ Follower. His mercy is new every morning!

  7. Sheryl hysaw says:

    You are me

  8. mightytreeslayer says:

    “How I didn’t end up dead in an alcohol related car wreck or pregnant with an illegitimate child, is by God’s grace only. And it’s only by God’s grace that I’m still here and have reached the point in my life where I am comfortable sharing my mistakes and hoping that others learn from them.”

    This really hit home to me. Thank you for sharing your story. I went through something similar testing my limits while trying to find my place or purpose. Finding myself lost in who I was, what I was doing with my time. Questioning what makes people so well put together when I’m such a mess? If you ask me now what it feels like to have myself figured out, I still couldn’t tell you with 100% certainty. For me, I came to the realization that I wasn’t taking responsibility for my life. God’s grace is nice, but seriously give yourself some credit! You took responsibility and cleaned yourself up and that is beautiful. It doesn’t require religion to accomplish self respect. Drastically turning around a toxic lifestyle is such a difficult journey and I applaud you for your progress. Something else that stuck out was when you mentioned Jesus was about love. Love is so important. No matter what your religious background is the common ground is love. None of societies labels matter. Your orientation shouldn’t matter, neither should your religion, what makes people chatter shouldn’t just be opinions. Love yourself, love others, and give back to those who lack. Again, thank you for sharing your story!

  9. Elisha says:

    You are so right. I used to go to church every sunday and every since I turned 13 and had gone through my goth stage I have gotten judged by pretty much everyone there. They all also know I am bisexual and now I am being judged for the man I am dating. Due to all of this I have lost interest in goingto church and have grown further away from God.

  10. Jenny says:

    At the end of the day, the only thing Christ is concerned about regarding our salvation is if we are obeying what he commands. John 14:15 “if you love me keep my commands.” The problem in today’s society is that people are failing to realize what is the true commands of God in the bible and what were the examples Christ showed for his people to follow. There are so many man made teachings that are being taught in Christianity today. Sunday worship, easter, Christmas, revering the cross, and many more (Mark 7:8). None of which were taught by Jehovah in the old testament nor Jesus in the new testament. But if we really love Christ we need to follow his example (john 13:15).

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.