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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. James says:

    My church went thru a series that stressed “Don’t just go to church. Be the church.”

  2. Dave M says:

    I think you have hit some important points here. I’ve been on the receiving side of disapproval and often just felt the lack of being part of the “in” group in church settings, feeling pretty alone. I don’t experience that in my own church now, but we too struggle to overcome the barriers and reach out to include new people. It’s hard to open up to new people even when there are no issues, let alone when race, class, or political / theological views vary. It was indeed often the most scandalous that Jesus offered his welcome to. Who are we to say the poor and the struggling are only there due to their own fault and that we’ve reformed ? It’s just a misappropriation of the virtue of God, which is God’s, not ours to somehow flaunt over those who are less fortunate. Amazing Grace sums up the real Christian attitude- as John Newton, the former salve trader turned monk observed, “I am a very great sinner and God is a very forgiving God.”

  3. Gary regan says:

    Right on! You are so correct!

  4. Teresa says:

    Well said! All people deserve our love and our compassion. All people deserve a chance for redemption, just as Jesus gave us all freedom from our sins. It’s not our place to judge others. We should love others for who they are and bring them into our circle.

  5. Dave O'Brien says:

    There are no great men of God, only a great God of men.

  6. Jo says:

    I’ve often told people that I’ve felt I’d been more of a Christian witness in a bar than anywhere.

  7. Jan says:

    I am saddened by our superficial thought processes. If a person drives a porche or looks wealthy on the outside, remember our God sees us all inside. God is not mislead by outer trappings of culture. Poverty of spirit has no average annual income. I have CHURCH whenever i fellowship with another soul who knows my God. That may be in a grocery aisle, a street corner, or hospital emergency room. My personal faith believes all that is important is knowing God intimately. We can all be clothed in His love and wisdom through the same spirit which makes the exterior of every person invisible and totally unimportant. God knows our worth by our relationship with him, more precious than all the worldly wealth combined. I am richly blessed because He loves us equally and desires to be in close relationship with each of us totally blind to our outside “stuff.” Be reassured God sees you and me for who we are inside, all our ugly sins and human errors. He loves us anyway! Thanks for having church with me!

  8. This is amazing. Thank you. I often say that I follow Jesus in spite of modern Christianity, not because of it. I feel more love from my thoughtful, selfless non-Christian friends than I do from the judgmental, self-righteous “friends” who sit next to me in church.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.