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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Yes, the church has chased a lot of people away. The church is to be a place of refuge and a hospital. People only go to a hospital when they need healing. Also, it should be a place where we learn about God’s plan and then leave to serve. God does not do bad to people. People do bad to people.

    We must prefer our brother (sister) and be willing to give of themselves.

  2. First I would like to say that I agree with all that you said. First I would include, gays, lesbians, and any other titles in your list at the end of your post. Not that there is anything wrong with your list, but people seem to skirt around these titles. As you know Jesus left out no one, He died for everyone. Doctrine is killing the Churches today and has been for some time, just like the Scribes and Pharisee’s in Jesus time. There I have said it! And anyone with ears to hear, knows what I am saying. What we need today is to talk to God not just go by all the ideas of others. We can take anything we want and back it up with scripture if we so desire!
    This is to John, June 26th. Don’t look to others in or out of a Church, Look to the one you want a relationship with, look to Jesus, ask Him to help you. Jesus will help ALL those who seek Him with all their Heart. He promised it not I.
    Let me say this I am not against the Church, I believe the Church is indeed the representation of Jesus Christ here on earth. But God sent His Spirit to guide us in the way that we should go in this world.
    The only real accomplishment in this life is our Focus on God!

  3. Kevin Pool says:

    Nice video and commentary. yes you are correct, the church is very different today than in Christ’s time. I also have overcome alcohol etc. in my life, and that is the very thing that is different today. I can recall no place in the Bible were Jesus says your sins are forgiven now go sin at will. Repentance is no longer taught, sin is no longer separation from God. As a Pastor I am expected to love everyone as they come, and continue to Love them as they are. The problem then becomes, at what point am I casting pearls before swine, wasting the gospel on those that are comfortable in sin because I have made it comfortable for them. When am I supposed to stop telling people the truth of sin just so they will feel OK, Loved, Accepted. When did a call of repentance become an act of judgement and hatred, was it with the proliferation of political correctness? Jesus came and died for the sins of the world that we may be saved, transformed, changed, repented people. Yes the church has changed and for the worse when it began to consider how people feel rather the consider their souls.

  4. D T says:

    I gave up on organized religion quite some time ago. Christ changed the rules when he preached love and acceptance rather than fear and retrbution. I cringe when I see a post looking for an ‘amen’ after negative comments about our president, or immigrants, or gays.
    What would Jesus do indeed?

  5. Lori Asbury Carter says:

    You wrote my heart! I try to explain this concept to, well basically everyone around me, only to be looked at as though I have peed in the floor right in front of everyone!

    I, too, have made many, many bad decisions in my younger days and know God allowed me to continue to breathe for a purpose! I fell out of love with the concept of “church” and all it’s hypocrisy at a very young age due to an ugly event I witnessed. Now, I understand you can love Jesus and not have to be a part of a church community, as was drilled into my head as a child!

    Anyway, thank you for this article! While I found comfort in your words, I also thought how sad God must be at what His creation has turned His love into!

  6. Donna Foster says:

    This has been one of the most powerful things that I have ever read! This is so true! Thank you so much for sharing this! May God richly bless you!!!!!

  7. Robert Reilly says:

    Well written! Strongly agree with your sentiments.

  8. Anna Wright says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I needed to hear that especially in this day and time.

  9. suzie hieter says:

    We’re not quick learners … we need to be reminded of this. Thanks, Cindy.

  10. shirley fournier says:

    Pray for me

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.