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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Brenda Cox says:

    AMEN, Sister. Judge not lest You be judged. I am a Christian but I still need forgiveness. I am not perfect only God is perfect.

  2. anonymous says:

    Mrs. Kirkland, The video, and you, use the phrase that “Jesus ‘hung out’ with prostitutes, child molesters, and murderers”. He did not sit in houses of illrepute, or dungeons of mad torture to ‘hang out’ or get to know these types of people! They were people he met in his travels and at the perfect and destined time of God. Those people, heard and understood his message, and they were instructed to go on to live their life and to sin no more!! Those people (not meant derogatory, just at that time) were asked to believe in the Son of God, and if they did they were better able to fight their sin, and CHANGE!! Take a look at just the 12 disciples, some were awful persons and some were just average men who could be dedicated to what they knew to be true. The point is, they didnt “say” they believed, they did believe, and CHANGED from their old ways!! Just as you CHANGED from your college days and ways of living your life! You knew that there was a space that only Jesus could fill, not the alcohol or guys. Your conviction of that sin, brought you back to a closer walk with God, and released you from that bondage! I have a gay friend, who knows how I stand on the issue of her choice…that it is a sin against what God created! It is an unnatural act with your body that is to be a temple for God. I have nothing but prayers and love for her that she will see the sin for what it is. In the meantime, can we talk about the weather, our jobs, and the little girl that she is helping to raise? Sure we can! And do. I am not perfect, not by a long shot! But, tell me…when did Being a Christian and Being Perfect become synonymous words?? When we pick up our crosses, there are many and different sins written on them that we each must bear. As a Christian, we have to continue to strive and pray to be better each day when we come face to face with those sins. And we must CHANGE, even if it just a little bit and Jesus can tell that we are trying to be better because it is Him we are meant to please. Because in the end, God knows!

  3. John says:

    Great philosophy, We necessarily do not have to attend church all the time or at all to be Christians. I’m a big believer that the kingdom and the spirit of God lives in all of us not in church.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Thank you!

  5. Terri says:

    This touched me so deeply. ,Thank You for posting it.

  6. Lucinda Shehata says:

    History repeats itself over and over again. When Jesus walked on this earth, the people were expecting to see a great ‘conqueror’. Instead Jesus touchs the heart and soul of those who believe. Your video is right; too many ‘Christians’ only look at appearances and not the heart, because if you truly have Christ in your heart then you love without judging. Wonderful message that few will take the time to heed. We should all examine ourselves on a daily basis before we judges others. We ALL have mistakes in our past that we do not wish to share, but look how God is using you to spread this message of hope to the millions of people reading your post. God Bless You.

  7. Suzanne VanRandwyk says:


  8. Gina says:

    Sadly in many ways this is true. But I must add this. I am a sinner, love is different from acceptance. 1 Corinthians 13 4:8 (I can’t remember Bible verses so I had to look this up) is God’s love letter to us! He is patient, He is kind, He doesn’t envy, etc…. We cannot let people dictate our standing in the world, including but not limiting to acceptance from another person. It is hard when we are hurting though. It takes a person who can even understand a drop of God’s love for us to help, not condemn another person. Sometimes those hurtful looks that people give is inside themselves, they see something that is within themselves. Anyways, your blog is great.

  9. […] I am completely and totally humbled by the amount of reads, shares and comments that I received on my post about not being a “Christian” anymore…based on the churches idea of Christianity. Seriously you guys. I am so beyond grateful that […]

  10. Nancy Briggs says:

    My email is messed up. I am on FB. I don’t want to be a Christian anymore was amazing. I am wishing I could find a church where I felt accepted. I don’t want to be one anymore either. Thank you so much!!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.