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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Mike Barlow says:

    I don’t care who you are or who you think you are we have all live in sin yet we are all perfect in the eyes of the lord.Amen

  2. Danyale says:

    I would love to talk with you more about love and not religion. I believe that most “Christians” don’t get love or know how to truly love. The church has turned millions away from Love. It is sad.

  3. Paris says:

    As a passionate lover of Jesus Christ (who also happens to work in a bar;-)), the closer I get to Him, the more aware I am of my own HUGE brokenness & Sin & need for Him on the hourly–no, by every second…I love every single thing about this post(which I stumbled across), & am so grateful that you wrote it. You articulated many of my own thoughts & experiences–thank you so very much for sharing this!

  4. Tyrone says:

    Hello Courtney! Thanks for the post… It is very clear that there are some who call themselves believers don’t know what it “really” means to be a Jesus following, Jesus loving, Jesus giving & (very important) Jesus forgiving Christian… But regardless, those are the things we should be & are supposed to be doing on the regular!
    To me this stuff in the news is only “the world being the world!” It’s not like the world (our gov’t, political leaders, citizens, etc.) have been living righteously & doing miraculous life changing acts/decisions reflecting righteousness, holiness & Christian love & then all of a sudden flipped the script & started living sinful lives, passing crazy laws that directly contradict biblical principles/beliefs (I.e. Gay marriage, etc.) Nope…the world IS and HAS BEEN being who they are (regardless of any trendy, politically correct spiritual cloak they use to disguise themselves in).
    Biblical principle says we all (everything & every person) are known by our fruit; recognizable for who we are by what we PRODUCE! So just as the world is KEEPING IT REAL, so are we supposed to be KEEPING IT REAL by being REAL CHRIST-LIKE CHRISTIANS in their midst! We can’t be moved by apparent hypocrisy…but even more so, the more we recognize SIN ABOUNDING, GODS ACTIVE POTENT GRACE in our lives should be ABOUNDING EVEN MORE both to the world & judgmental self-righteous Christians !!!
    So none of this stuff (ABSOLUTELY NOTJING) would ever make me want to NOT BE A CHRISTIAN ANYMORE… That’s ludicrous to me!!! That says more about my own insecurity & lack of stability, commitment, dedication, maturing, etc. in my relationship with Jesus & less about what the world or some selfish insensitive Christians are doing or not doing… It’s almost like saying because gays can legally get married now that makes me not want to be married anymore…and that sounds especially crazy when I have a great marriage!!! And even if my marriage wasn’t that great but I knew I loved her & even more so how much she undeniably loves me, forgives me, nurtures me, completes me (like Jesus), I still wouldn’t be entertaining negative thoughts & contemplations like NOT WANTING TO BE IN RELATIONSHIP w/a LOVING “PERSON”LIKE THAT because of what someone else is doing or not…
    Those are my thoughts & reflections! I hope it helps some or brings a different perspective… Never let go of the treasure of Christ for the emptiness the world guarantees Instead, be all He created you to be & let Him be all that HE IS in & through you!!! SELAH

  5. Judy Hall says:

    Wow! A friend sent me this on FB and at first I didn’t know if I wanted to click on it or not. The title “I don’t want to be a Christian anymore” gave me pause. Then I clicked to see what it was about. After the video started I could not take my attention off of it! I felt every word and agreed with all you were saying. I am a Christian who has stopped going to church. I still live in the Love of Christ and I’m accepting of others who cross my path. I do this by saying, I don’t know what might have brought this person to this place in his/her life and it’s not MY place to judge them. It’s my job to help them if I can and if I can’t at least be understanding that those who don’t live as I do are not “bad”. They just haven’t reached the place in life they need to be in God’s eyes. God sees all and knows all and He will be their Judge when they pass on. Someone’s actions not always portrays what’s in their hearts. If we can’t see into their hearts how can we possible judge them? Thank you for the wonderful message, I was truly touched! I had not heard of you before and I usually don’t follow many religious speakers, but I will be following you and sharing your messages. God Bless you and your calling!

  6. Heather says:

    I have been on the receiving end of this cold and frightful judgement. And I felt terrible, less than, very disappointed and like I wanted to punch them in the face. And I did leave the “church”. I decided I didn’t need a church to worship God and follow Christ’s ways back to our Heavenly home. I was right…but I was also robbed of a detrimental piece of following Christ with less erring. And that’s fellowship of “true” followers of Christ. The people not in competition with each other and hearts full of charity. Fortunately God led me to just a place. I know all too well what it is to be rejected by those who you thought were kind and supportive and turned out to be hateful and judgemental instead. Makes you “not want to be Christian anymore”. I’m glad I found peace with a church fellowship. Its what Heavenly Father intends.

  7. kate says:

    I find church to be a brutal bashing party and as petty as high school. makes me afraid to be involved. I go to church on Sunday but try to stay to myself and just meet God there if to many people know you or your past judgements starts and that judgment hurts your relationship with God. Church is not good.

  8. Cyanna says:

    I’m not decided on my faith. I believe but yet again, I don’t really agree with some things the bible says and it makes me not want to believe. (Please, this is my opinion, don’t try to force something on me that I’ve heard on many occasions. Just respect what I have to say and how I feel on the subject) After reading this though, I shouted Amen about a million times. One of the main reasons I don’t like going to church or associating with Christians is because most of them think they are so much better because of their “holy lifestyle” half of them are hypocrites though.. Half of them judge people for who they aren’t, and they don’t love them for who they are. Thank you so much for this Article, it actually moved me.

  9. Allen says:

    You surely have given me some things to consider. I want to always strife to be Christ -like. We sometimes get caught up with things happening around us and forget about things we should be doing. My daily prayer is asking God to give me courage and strength to let His Word show through me.
    Thank you

  10. kim says:

    GAng, don’t worry about what others think of you, all that matters is what Jesus thinks of you. People come and go out of your lives, but Jesus is always there. If folks want to look down on me b/c of who I am, what I believe, what I do, who cares??? Jesus thinks I”m fabulous, amazing, breath taking. Why in the world would I even care what idiots think? So focus on Jesus, not others. Jesus will always have your back. Each time.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.