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I Don’t Want to be a “Christian”

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  1. Reggie Brookins says:

    I am sorry that you have lumped church and Christian into the same generalization. You will never find a perfect church but in most churches you will find some pretty good Christians. You will find good people and not so good people sitting side by side in the pews.
    I don’t own a luxury or fancy sport’s car, but I know some pretty good Christian people who do.
    I don’t know you but I am a counselor who has worked with substance abuse for many years and the one thing I always told my clients is don’t expect everyone to understand you and what you are battling in recovery. Please don’t confuse Christian with church member. A true Christian might make a judgment about a persons behavior, but will not judge the person.
    There are also good churches and not so good churches. Look for the heart of the church you are attending and if you find it is not adhering to the teachings of Christ and the body is sick, find another church.

    • You definitely said what I know to be a truth for me. Judge ye not..a REAL Christian will not judge you, they will not hate you or scorn you for your sins …you will be loved by a real Christian…as we love one another. The thing a Christian does not like is the SIN..not the SINNER. We will pray for you and ask God to present Himself to you, and fill you with the TRUTH and with LOVE and your eyes and ears will be opened to the teachings of Jesus Christ, His SON. …and The WORD OF GOD.. ..Just like our country goes so go the “churches”..There is corruption in our government and there is corruption in the churches…The most important words ever said on this EARTH are “LOVE ONE ANOTHER”.

    • Trisha says:

      Well said.

    • jeff martin says:

      Agreed wright on point! Well said!

    • Daffy says:

      Thank you, Reggie, my thoughts exactly

  2. Amy B says:

    wow…just wow…this post is an awakening to the church for sure !!! This has been so heavy on my heart. Thank you.

  3. Leila says:

    Be careful in your zealous judgement that you aren’t doing the same thing but from the other end of the spectrum. There are only 2 kind of people… Lost and saved. No gray here.

    • Judy Hall says:

      There is always “grey”! There are the “Lost” waiting to be loved and saved. Then there are the “Saved”, many who claim the title but don’t live the life! Jesus gave his life for ALL of us, not the ones who go to church. There are many Christians who love the Lord, and live their life according to the will of God, but don’t choose to go to church because it has become a fashion show and meeting place for many “pretenders”. there was no zealous judgement here… only eye opening facts, that evidently hit home to you. And there is NEVER only 2 kind of people. That statement would only come from a person that only thinks in “Me and Them” as was discussed is the video. I pray you are able to realize how bias your thinking is and ask God to show you the way to be more like Him.

      • Mike says:

        There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that are absolutely perfect, and those in need of a Savior. Exactly one fulfilled the first category. He’s the a Savior of all the rest.

      • Dave McPherson says:

        Hi: Well, you definitely have passion! Excellent. And some very good points. I do wonder if you and Leila may actually be on the same page. I do believe that there are only two kinds of people, saved and unsaved. Those who are truly saved are saved because of what Jesus has done for them, not because of how they feel or what they have done themselves. It think the difference in this discussion lies in what we think of the “unsaved”. A person is only “unsaved” when they die without Christ. Up to that point, they are potentially savable. (So, I guess we could argue that there is a third category, but at any instant of time, there are only two, sort of. 🙂 ) We, as Christians, need to look at it that way. Jesus came to die for sinners, so that is excellent news for the “unsaved”. They (we) are his target audience. That amazes me everyday, when I look at myself and my ability to fail. What kind of God would die for me? Wow! So, if He did it for me, then all those “unsaved” out there have some very good news. They can be as “saved” as me. Not because I am special (believe me, I am not), but because Jesus is very special, and more than able to save anyone. Now that pumps me up. And I think you too, by the looks of your post. May God bless you and me and use us wherever He desires, that we may have some “unsaved” in our lives to reach.

        • Dave McPherson says:

          Opps, that was embarrassing. I just realized that it was someone else that responded to the first comment, not Courtney. Opps. Oh well,

  4. Kris says:

    I have never heard of you. I just stumbled upon your blog. I just finished reading “I don’t want to be a Christian Anymore” Thank you! I’ve grown up in church my entire life. I’ve served on the staff of my home church for the last 10 years as the worship leader. . I’ve come to a place where the people around me don’t look like the Jesus I know…read about…and love. Sometimes, I don’t want to be a “Christian” anymore. I have felt so compelled to LOVE the people who I would be judged for spending time with. Thank you for another push in the right direction. I hope to read more soon. THANK YOU!

  5. Susan says:


  6. Courtney says:

    Ended up here because the site has my name in it and I am so glad I was led here! What an inspirational video, and an amazing blog post. Thank you for posting this.

  7. […] “I Don’t Want to be a Christian” by Courtney […]

  8. Sam Herren says:

    I remember saying once in SS when I was the teacher, “Many of today’s churches may have saved people but very few Christians.” People just looked at me with their teeth in their mouths like a wall-eyed brook trout.

  9. Voni Harris says:

    Powerful comments on a powerful video, Courtney. I think we’ve lost our ability to talk right vs. wrong without condemnation. We’ve lost compassion for those who are feeling the Holy Spirit’s conviction. Sad. But I don’t know that our generation is any different than any other generation of Christians/God-followers.

    Blessings, my friend!

  10. Margaret McKoy says:


    You have a gift of expressing your thoughts into words–very beautiful & powerful! We all need to be reminded that we ARE the church, but we ARE the least of these!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.