Well. My baby is no longer a baby…atleast, according to the “My First Haircut” Certificate he got today. I finally broke down and took my sweet little boy to have his beautiful little light brown curls chopped off. I was very proud of myself. I’m such an emotional person. I figured I would cry. But I didn’t. I stood there, camera in hand, and smiled as my sweet little baby graduated into toddler/boyhood.
This was the before photo. I’m not sure this photo does any justice to how long his hair really was getting. I almost had enough for a pony-tail in the back. And that’s just not cool on a little boy.
Things started out really well. No crying. No freaking out. But then…
It all began. He got upset and started crying and getting upset. His daddy was holding him, but of course, he wanted his mommy [if I’d have had him he would have wanted Daddy…isn’t that how it works?] The man cutting his hair was super nice though. He tried his hardest to get him to calm down so he could finish. But Noah just wan’t having it. As you can see, the crying stopped when Mommy picked him up.
He even got himself a lolly pop after he was finished…just because he was such a big boy. What else did he end up with? A stuffed “Larry the Cucumber” toy and a new Veggie Tales movie. Just because his daddy and I are suckers for his cute little grin and puppy dog eyes he was such a good boy while he was getting his hair cut. Ahh childhood milestones. They are here and gone so quickly. I can’t get over how fast his childhood is flying by me.
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.