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Feature Friday | Seeing the Glitter

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  1. She has a beautiful soul and a generous spirit. Just like her mom.

  2. Life As Wife says:

    So glad you got the glitter just in time – before it was gone!

  3. The Sweetest says:

    Oh, I love this. It’s so easy to forget as I get caught in he hurry of each morning, or the urgency of trying to cook dinner- so easy to forget to notice.

  4. I know these rushed mornings SO well. Although, school starts at 8 here…it’s always a battle to be on time.
    Your daughter sounds so sweet 🙂

  5. Sweaty says:

    Happy holidays to you and your family, Courtney! Glad to meet you through Galit 🙂

    Galit, you are as always, the master with descriptive writing. This post is a great example of that. You’ve managed to capture the sense of urgency, the chaos that’s in your head at the moment so beautifully, and yet so relate-able. Your daughter, Kayli, is such a gentle soul! She really is sweet and caring. I’m not surprised though, because from all your posts, I know how loving you and your husband are, as parents and mentors to your children.

    • Galit Breen says:

      Thank you, Sweaty so very much, for all of your kindness.

      I love how you described Kayli- I would use the same exact words, too! Her middle name, Adiina, means gentle. How’s that for kismet?


  6. love the moments when our kids are looking out for others … makes me feel like i am doing as good job … if i just stop long enough to appreciate it all!

  7. Jessica says:

    What a sweet girls. Sounds just like my daughter. Always doing something nice for someone else.

  8. […] My girl? Absolutely sparkles. I just need to slow down, zoom in, and make sure that I don’t miss her glitter. […]

  9. Galit Breen says:

    Thank you so very much for having me here today, Courtney! xo

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.