I used the filing system found
here. I used the hanging folders that I already had relabeled them on the outside and added regular manilla file folders on the insides for subcategories. I pulled out all of the paper work and put it chronological order-with the oldest in the back and newest on top. I seperated out all of our medical records, with Josh’s stuff in one, mine in one, and Noahs in one. Josh’s old Navy stuff is in that big fat manilla envelope in the back. We know what that is and very rarely ever have to get anything out of it. I made a “VIP” file, which holds our marriage certificates, our birth certificates, Josh’s DD214, Our pistol permits, and all of our Tax stuff. I’m very pleased with myself. I felt so much better when that was done and very accomplished. I’m thinking of putting a deadbolt on it so that I can ensure that it doesn’t get messed up. I showed Josh “the system” and I think he understood how much work went into it. YAY me 🙂