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Feature Friday | Rainbowy

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  1. Oh how I love this piece. I too find myself rushing my girls to and fro and I feel like I’m rushing away their lives. I hate it. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy these small yet momentous moments. XO

    • Nichole says:

      It’s tricky…finding the balance between getting it all done and slowing it all down.
      You’re doing an amazing job, my friend, of that I am sure. xoxo

  2. What a beautiful story. But then, all of Nicole’s stories are beautiful!

  3. Sherri says:

    Oh Nichole…perfect. I can see you and Katie, and her gorgeous, sparkly smile. What a wonderful gift you gave her, just that precious amount of your time.

    But I would have loved a picture of you, all dolled up! 🙂

  4. i seriously needed that reminder to slow the pace and let my four year old lead sometimes. I am so anxious and controlling — it’s so hard for me to have crazy little fun moments with the kids. And those are so very important. happy weekend!

    • Nichole says:

      It’s so tough, though, isn’t it?
      We spend so much of our days trying to get things accomplished that those little moments of joy often fall to the bottom of the to-do list.
      Happy weekend to you, too, Wendy! 🙂

  5. Kimberly says:

    “What I hadn’t anticipated is exactly how happy she would make me look”…gave me chills…it is so true. I never knew how much happier I’d be with my son in it.
    They are amazing and you are amazing for sharing this moment with her.
    Beautifully written

    • Nichole says:

      It’s crazy, isn’t it, how our very definition of true happiness changes once our children are born.
      Thank you so much for your sweet words, Kimberly. xo

  6. angela says:

    Aw, one of Abbey’s favorite things to do during naptime is make-up lady 🙂 Your collection is much more enviable than mine, however! What I find remarkable is that she can be so very gentle, even with limited control of something like a make-up brush 🙂 Thanks for sharing Nichole, and thanks for opening up your Feature Friday to her Courtney.

  7. Dear Nichole:

    This is one of my most favorite pieces that I’ve read from you lately. You have been so stressed –and not without reason– but it is wonderful picturing you in the hands of your child. Just turning yourself over to her. And teaching her that coloring outside the lines is okay. And that her mommy is truly rainbow-beautiful –with or without make-up.

  8. What a lovely, sweet moment, Nichole. I especially love your description of how it felt different, with the brush in Katie’s hands. Life takes on a new perspective with children, even in the small things.

    Have a lovely Friday Nichole and Courtney!

  9. […] when Courtney, from The Mommy Matters, asked me to come by and spend the day, I couldn’t say […]

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.