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Feature Friday | What Makes a Bad Mom?

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  1. Completely agree with this, Jess! We all need a little perspective from time to time.
    Love that picture 🙂

  2. Thank you for this! As a mom to 3 little girls I often feel a lot overwhelmed and sometimes like a failure. It’s so comforting to know that other moms feel the same way.

  3. jackie says:

    You are so right! There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself. We all need a break, and I actually think it makes us better mothers.

  4. Sherri says:

    Totally agree! We all need a break…and to judge another mom as being “bad” based on a choice that isn’t endangering her kids at all is just wrong.

  5. angela says:

    Taking time for yourself probably makes you a better mom in the long run Jessica! As always, I love reading your words 🙂

  6. we need to take little breathers throughout the day and recharge so that we can be the awesome mothers we’re meant to be!
    and my kids may or may not watch more than an hour at a time…just sayin!

  7. Yes you’re right, letting the kids watch some TV while you take a breather is absolutely not a bad thing. We need to stay sane so we don’t actually DO the really bad stuff.

  8. Roxanne says:

    I completely agree. Sometimes I tell myself that I’m bad mom for XYZ reason. But the truth is, we are doing wonderfully by our children. They are safe, healthy and HAPPY. So we can’t be that bad, huh?

    Great post, Jess!

  9. Jessica says:

    Thanks for featuring me.

  10. Like many mothers have told me, a happy mom is a better mom. Yes, there are many extremes, but it’s not bad to take some time for ourselves. I think most of us realize that being a mom is very selfless and getting an hour or two to ourselves each day is vital for anyone.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.