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Feature Friday | What Makes a Bad Mom?

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  1. Well said. Finding balance and time to recharge in order to wear all your “hats” is tough. I struggle with this often.

  2. Danni says:

    Over all the first two are so minor. Never beat yourself up for needing time to yourself. Just because you have kids does not mean you have to lose your identity too.

    With that being said I grew up without my mother. She was a drug addict. Until she lost her parental rights we used to have weekend visitation with her. Those weekends were the worst of my life. We usually stayed at her dealer of choice’s house where since I was the oldest would constantly clean her up and take care of my two baby sisters. Eventually she lost those rights and went to supervised visitations where she proved drugs were more important than an hour of visiting with us and that lost her her parental rights. It was not till I was 16 that she finally got serious about cleaning up her life. We found out that the reason she could not stay clean was because she was an un-diagnosed bipolar disorder. Unfortunately she did not live long enough to repair the damages she did to us as small children.

    What I did have growing up was the most awesome Father and Grandmother a child could ask for. My Dad work his butt off to provide for us. Even though he worked a lot he never missed a karate match, or volleyball game and he made every band recitle. My Grandmother bought our now family home for us after Mom had cleaned Dad out by forging checks and taking loans out in his name. Then she moved in with us so there was always a stable adult there to greet us after school while Dad was working. She gave her life up to raise a second family.

    Even though I did not have my real mother in my life and I will always have the pain and hurt associated with that, I had a great role model in my Dad and Grandma. My only hope today is that I can be half the parent they were to me.

  3. MangoChutney says:

    I often ask myself this question, because I don’t dote over my kids…. I more than less rather be alone, because I never get a chance to miss them;)

  4. Kimberly says:

    It’s definitely all about balance. It’s easy to say that I’m a bad mom because of X today, but the truth is, I still need time for myself. It makes us better parents in the long run.

    Great post Jess!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.