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False Alarm…

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  1. Carolyn says:

    Ugh. False alarms when you are so ready.
    I am glad though you are past 37 weeks (full term) and 38 weeks (better for breastfeeding if you plan to).

    I’m already subscribed and waiting for the updates.
    Happy pushing 😉

  2. Elaine A. says:

    Oh goodness, I hope you can get some rest before he gets here. But I know with my last, at about this time, that was close to impossible! 😉 Hang in there!

  3. Rachelle says:

    Sorry to hear about the false alarm. You’re about 3 weeks ahead of me in this pregnancy, so I’m pretty much feeling what you are (our little girl is not… measured 6+ lbs at 33 weeks and guesstimated to actually be at 36 weeks back then, but doctor is not changing any dates for us and I’m still working outside the home full time).

    I hope all is smooth for the remainder of Jonah’s life inside. Looking forward to hearing his birth story and seeing those first sweet photos!

  4. molly says:

    Sorry for all the pain and the false alarm. I hope baby boy comes soon!

  5. Austin-Lee says:

    False alarms are so tough. Hang in there!

  6. It is tough, but you’re doing great. This will be over SO soon. 🙂

    To encourage you a little bit, I pushed a 10 lbs baby and it was so much easier than my 7 lber. Pushed for 15 minutes instead of 2 hours, and the recovery was a lot smoother afterwards. A lot of times our body can handle way more than we give it credit for. Thinking and praying for you!

  7. Stephanie says:

    What.A.Bummer!!!! #1 was my biggest baby…she measured ahead via u/s and they changed my due date by 11 days because of it. That date came and went and as each day passed I was SOOO disappointed! But, go figure, our baby girl came all on her own on the exact date of her first due date! She was a whopping 9lbs 4oz and for 5’2′ 125 me, that was huge! I had tears and lots of stitches but all healed well. The next 2 babes both arrived 8 days early all on there own and each weighed 8lbs….given an extra week they would likely have been near 9lbs. Guess we just make bigguns’ 🙂 I’m crossing my fingers and toes that this baby follows in the pattern of his/her brother and sister and arrives early…8 days early is this Thursday!!!! Hoping, hoping, hoping!

    Best Wishes! Can’t wait to see more updates and pics!

  8. Gabby says:

    Following your facebook updates have been a rollercoaster! Especially because facebook has this horrible habit of switching to top stories on me, instead of appearing in chronological order, so i was seeing how you were in the hospital at the top of my news feed, getting all excited, and completely missing the other updates. Such a bummer when I read them at last! It’s already been little over a year since I went through the anticipating torture that is waiting for #2, and I have no motherly advice to offer other than enjoy these last few days. Trying to handle a newborn baby is hard enough, but trying to wrangle a toddler around in the midst of it. Oy vae. We’re all rooting for you, mama!

  9. Alison says:

    False alarms are the worse. I’m keeping all my digits crossed here that Jonah will come really soon!
    From personal experience, second babies come fast as soon as they decide they’re ready. He’ll be here before you know it. 🙂
    Good luck and am thinking of you!

  10. Barbie says:

    I was wondering what had happened! I am so sorry for this roller coaster ride. Praying that you get to meet Jonah soon, and very soon!

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.