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We talked about loneliness vs. being alone in Sunday School yesterday. We’ve just started discussing parts of the book Radical Reliance a few weeks ago and have already had some really great conversations surrounding intimacy with Christ and really and truly being dependent on Him in all things.
I’ve been reading through and studying the book of Job this week; getting ready for our first Bible Study starting on November 3 and true dependence on Christ has really stuck with me. This morning, it came up in our lesson as well. And I started to question myself and my lifestyle.
How often do we walk through life claiming to be women of faith? Telling the world how awesome our God is and faithful He is? That He’s changed our hearts/homes/marriages/lives through His presence?
And then the second that something happens that we don’t like, we are ready to believe otherwise…doubt Him…question Him…
Because, friends, what I’m learning is that either we believe that He is the great and mighty God that we proclaim He is or we don’t. If we really and truly wholeheartedly believed that He was enough for us, would provide for us, would DIE for us…then would we question Him?
This passage stuck out to me when I was studying last week, and I will go into much greater detail on this passage in the Job Study Guide (available on October 31!!), but here Eliphaz, when meeting with Job for the first time after the seven days of silence says this…
Behold, you have instructed many,
and you have strengthened the weak hands.
Your words have upheld him who was stumbling,
and you have made firm the feeble knees.
But now it has come to you, and you are impatient;
it touches you, and you are dismayed.
Is not your fear of God your confidence,
and the integrity of your ways your hope? (Job 4:3-6)
Job spent his entire LIFE telling others that God was enough. That the Lord would sustain them…
Yet when his life came crashing down around him, he began to cry out and found himself in a place of despair. Questioning whether God was going to take care of him. Whether it was all worth it. Whether God was even really there.
Friends, we don’t write our life stories. We don’t decide the outcome of this crazy adventure. GOD does. And we don’t have to always understand it. We don’t even have to like it.
We have to TRUST it.
We have to RELY on it…
The one who holds the pen in His hand.