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If this is your first visit, then Welcome! Make sure you subscribe to my RSS Feed while you’re here! I look forward to getting to know you! Don’t miss today’s Sweet Shot! You can find it right here!
Today, I have the honor of Guest Posting over at Diary of a Devil Dog Wife for Marah! Her husband has just returned home from deployment, and she’s asked me to write a little something, something for her to share with her reader’s while their family reunites. I was beyond eager to give her a hand, as I know how important, and how exciting homecomings are! Here’s a little preview of what I’ve put together for her, but you’ll have to go to her blog for the “rest of the story.”
One of the things I get asked most frequently as a Military Wife and stay-at-home mom is how I deal with my husband’s success. Apparently, the fact that I stay at home with our almost-three year old son, means that my job isn’t as important or as worthy of praise as my husband’s. I’m sure that 99% of the moms who read this can resonate with that social stigma. While I admit that there are days I would love to be able to escape to an office or a quiet place of solitude for a few hours to get some things done, most days being a mom is everything I hoped it would be. The pay is lousy, the hours are long, and the “clients” are a bit on the whiney side at times…but for the most part, it’s a great job.
But how do I deal with my husband’s climb up the ladder of success? While my college education remains incomplete, and my knack for personal business grows as slowly as the gardens we’ve seen others attempt to plant here in Alaska, it would be easy to understand how I could become intimidated and down-trodden by all of the things my husband achieves as a Service member.
There are three key things that I have to keep in mind when I feel myself start to get down about my position within our family, and in the grand scheme of life…