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So. It’s that time. Vacation. Car Trip. Sweet Home Alabama. This is one of those things that I get mixed feelings about. I love going home to visit. Love heading back to the south [Yes. We live in Florida, which geographically is farther south than Alabama…but it’s a whole different kind of southern.] to see the […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 29, 2009

Notes on a Vacation

Dearest Baby Boy, Should I even call you that anymore? You have grown up so much over the past year. I can not even believe it. It was this day, one year ago, that my life changed for the better. I dreamt about you, prayed for you, and thought about you from the first day […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 27, 2009

A Letter to my son

[Edited to add more photo’s] I have been playing around with the photo editing software on my computer today. I downloaded for free because, lets face it, we are in an economic slump and I can’t afford to buy Photoshop. It works pretty well. Not as good as photoshop does, but it gets the […]

Random Things

October 24, 2009

Playing around with my pictures…

I dreamed my entire life of having a family. Getting married to a “handsome prince” and having the most beautiful family in the world. It was April 19, 2008 that my “prince” and I said the I-Do’s. And it was a mere three weeks later, on May 9, 2008 that I found out that my […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 19, 2009

I blinked…

Noah had his very FIRST 1st birthday party today. We went to the local park and had cake and chips and dip with my parents and sister, and some friends from church and Josh’s work. The rain came in last night and cooled everything off, so it was in the low to mid-60’s today. It […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 18, 2009

Noah’s First 1st Birthday Party {warning: LOTS of photos :) }

So. I was in Walmart this afternoon, already kind of frustrated and not in the best of moods. It was just one of those mornings…you know the kind, where you are ill and not really in a good mood and don’t know why. Yea. It was that kind of morning. I was by myself. I […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 4, 2009

The Nicest Way…

It’s been a long week. Busy, but long. Here’s what all went on around my house: +Monday: Noah slept till 9:00 [huge relief as he’s usually up at the crack of dawn]. The refrigerator starts making an even louder noise that it had been for the past 2 weeks. It’s no longer cooling as well […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

October 2, 2009

My Week at a Glance…

How ironic is it that after my last post, I would run across this online? Haha. God certainly has a sense of humor and a knack for getting my butt into gear. The goal here is to provide Mom’s with a sort of accountability group to encourage us to get ourselves back into shape and […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

September 29, 2009

Body After Baby…How Ironic

My friend Amie has ignited this little “mommy spark” inside of me the past couple of weeks that is causing my brain to float around a very strange idea. She has this beauitful little girl, Avery, who is always dressed in her adorable little outfits and dresses with the cute bows and ribbons in her […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

September 25, 2009

I am getting bored. Again. With my lovely blog that I put so much work into. I feel like it is in need of a makeover. But, I’m not sure what I want to do with it. I feel like my sidebars are cluttered and that I need to revamp some of the layout. Move […]

Random Things, Uncategorized

September 23, 2009


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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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