Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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“Give me neither proverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” {Proverbs 30:8b-9} It’s that time of year again. It’s the Christmas Season…Layaway […]
It amazes me the things that you begin think about when you have a child of your own. Things that normally would have never even crossed your mind become topics of household discussion and reason for debate. The latest topic? Santa Clause. I have never really thought twice about the idea of Santa Clause or […]
This is the first time I have participated in “5 Question Friday” with Mama M at “My Little Life.” But seeing as how I am currently at a loss for things to blog about [Could it be all of the turkey making me sleepy? Or the black Friday shopping frenzy?], I decided today to join in […]
This week Amber over at {aefilkins} is hosting another fantastic FMM. This week’s edition is all about Thanksgiving. Amber has put together a short list of questions all about, well, Thanksgiving. 1. Turkey or Ham? Turkey! Yum! 2. Favorite side dish. Homemade Chicken & Dumplings 3. Favorite dessert. Pecan Pie or Peanut Cake {grandmama’s recipe!} 4. Black […]
The things that I am thankful for have made a huge change in the last 3 years. In college, cries of gratitude and thanks fell on the ears of all who were around when spare change was found in the couch cushions or under the bed. My cute apartment, my seemingly never-ending cashflow [that, surprise […]
It’s hazy out this morning. Looks a lot like rain is coming. I’m starving. It’s too early to be awake. Noah is sitting in the middle of the living room floor in his robot t-shirt & diaper eating cheerio’s and watching Sponge Bob. Husband is going to be gone literally all day working [gotta love duty week…not.] And […]
Have you stopped lately to notice how eerily similar us moms are in a lot of ways? It’s like, somehow or another we share this unspoken, kinda creepy bond. Sometimes you can just look at a mom and tell what she’s feeling. What’s on her mind. How much [or more often than not, how little] […]
It’s almost that time of year again. Time for toys and time for cheer. Yep. You got it. It’s Christmas Time!! I love the Holiday Season. Easily my favorite time of year…the smells, the cooler weather [yes, I said cooler because “cold” weather doesn’t actually exist in Florida], the lights, the decorations, and the FOOD! […]
Well, we made it home. In one piece. Safe and sound. It’s always such a bittersweet emotion coming home from, well, home. It’s always hard to leave behind the place I grew up. The place that, no matter where we ever move, will hold something special in my heart. I’m a southern girl through and […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST