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In honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, would you take a second to click on the button and give us a thumbs up? We’ve been nominated as one of the Top 25 Military Family Blogs and I would appreciate you helping us get there! I married a committed military man. And I have loved this […]

Military Life

May 7, 2011

The Toughest Job

I have No Mom Talk Monday scheduled to go up tomorrow morning first thing…but because of the significance of this event in American History, I want to make sure that I document and remember (for the sake of my son and any future children) the emotions that I’m feeling right now as I sit here […]

Military Life, Random Things

May 1, 2011

Remembering this moment in history…

The airport was a very dull, paling gray. There was way too much light streaming in through the wall-to-ceiling windows and too much chatter in the waiting area. “I need a gate pass, please. We just want to go to back to the terminal and watch him get off the plane.” “Ma’am, I’m going to […]

Lifestyle, Military Life

February 15, 2011

Straight out of a movie…

Just a glimpse of how we spend our days here in the Kodiak Guest House.

Military Life, Random Things

February 2, 2011

How We Spend our Days

I realize I’m pretty behind on showing off the rest of our photos from our cross country trip, so today thanks to my lack of creativity for a more original post I thought I would show you the remainder of our photos from Seattle. So there ya’ go! We didn’t get a chance to make […]

Military Life, Random Things

January 20, 2011

Seattle, WA

That seems to be the motto of our lives right now. It seems like we had to “hurry up and wait” to find out where we were going. Then we had to wait for the husband to graduate school and get home. And then we had to wait to actually leave Alabama to head to […]

Military Life

January 17, 2011

Hurry Up & Wait

Whew. This post is coming to you from Seattle, Washington! We have finally reached our final “lower 48” destination and are scheduled to fly to our new home on Thursday! The journey has been amazing! The sights were beautiful and the scenery was beyond words! I know that I’m several days behind on letting you […]

Military Life, Random Things

January 11, 2011

Cross Country Travels

Okay, I promise I’m not going to name all of my cross-country drive posts after songs. But the first one was too easy…just as this one was.  🙂 Day Two of our journey left us in Memphis for the morning with Courtney and her little girl. We met at Starbucks first thing yesterday {Thursday} morning […]

Military Life

January 10, 2011

Meet Me in St. Louis (Day Two)

Tuesday Evening: 10:20 pm That’s about how long I have to write this post… …just a moment. I’m surrounded by clothes, shoes, blankets, and un-endless amounts of random junk possessions attempting to finish all of the packing for our journey. I’ve been up and at em’ since before 7:00 this morning running errands and attempting […]

Military Life, Random Things

January 5, 2011

Just a moment…

Being told that you and your family are to be uprooted and moved to Alaska is a lot to take in. It is overwhelming and quite frankly, almost unbelievable. For us, Alaska has been on that ever famous list of “Places we want to go before we die.” And it was on our “Places we […]

Lifestyle, Military Life

December 28, 2010

10 Reasons I am cut out for life in Alaska

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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