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I’ve been thinking alot about marriage lately. Maybe it’s because it’s drawing nearer to mine and hubby’s anniversary {ok, so it’s not until April, but still}. Maybe it’s because I’m blissfully happy in my marriage right now and I want to stay that way. Maybe it’s just because I’m a woman and I’m allowed to think about […]

Family, Marriage

January 25, 2010

Worth fighting for…

I strive to be a good wife. I strive to show my husband the kind of love and affection that he not only needs, but deserves. I try to be a good listener and a wife who is understanding and compassionate to the needs of her husband-no matter how big or how small they may […]

Family, Marriage

January 15, 2010

Learning to be Submissive

Today is Wednesday. As is usual, Sheila is hosting “Wifey Wednesday.” If you missed last weeks post, I encourage you to go check it out. Last week we were talking about the difference between being a Godly and submissive wife and being a Doormat to our husbands. {And yes, there is a difference}Today, Sheila is asking […]

Family, Marriage

December 23, 2009

Wifey Wednesdays: 180 Degree’s

Today is Wednesday. Time for my favorite Meme of the week, “Wifey Wednesday’s” hosted by Sheila over at “To Love, Honor, and Vaccum. Today’s topic is intense and very thought provoking. She receieved a letter from a young wife who is having a hard time finding balance between being a submissive wife the way that God […]

Family, Marriage

December 16, 2009

Wifey Wednesday-Tough Stuff

{This post topic was approved by my husband before being written…lol} I love my husband. I really, really do. He is a hard worker, he makes me laugh, he loves me and our son more than anything else. He treats me like a queen and does all that he can do to make us all […]

Family, Marriage

December 12, 2009

The Wife that He Deserves

Well. It’s Wednesday. Which means that Sheila over at ‘To Love, Honor, and Vaccum” is hosting ‘Wifey Wednesday.’ This is easily one of my favorite meme’s because I enjoy talking about marriage, and reading what others have to say on the subject. Today, Sheila wants to talk about the hard times in marriage and we overcame […]

Family, Marriage

December 9, 2009

Wifey Wednesday

It’s “Wifey Wednesday” over at “To Love, Honor, and Vaccum” and I am truly excited about today’s topic, because it’s something I feel like I can identify with. Today, Sheila is talking about how time consuming careers can be for our husbands and how mom’s sometimes feel as if they are raising their children on their […]

Family, Marriage

December 2, 2009

Wifey Wednesday: Learning to make the time…

Hello all of my bloggy friends! I hope you are all having a fantastic Wednesday morning…it’s only 2 days until the weekend so that is reason enough to be in a great mood! This morning, I am linking up again with Sheila over at “To Love, Honor and Vaccum” for another ‘Wifey Wednesday’ post. I love […]

Family, Marriage

November 18, 2009

Wifey Wednesday

I have been struggling with a void lately. I feel like there is a big empty spot in my life and I don’t know where it is coming from or what it is going to take to fill it. It feels something like a sense of “worthlessness” that I just can’t shake. I am having […]

Family, Marriage

November 7, 2009

I need a hobby…

Sometimes, as women [especially Christian Women] I feel like there is too much expected of us. We have to play wife, mother, lover, friend, sister, daughter, aunt, teacher, housekeeper, chef, & nurse everyday. And we are expected to do it with a smile and do it without complaint. Being a mother & a wife is […]

Family, Marriage

November 6, 2009

Supermom? Not today. My cape is broken.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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