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Have you ever been Black Friday shopping? I don’t mean “Black Friday on Thursday night” shopping like the stores do now; with Walmart cutting open Reynolds Wrapped boxes at certain times to allow people to dig into what it contains. Although that can be a bit chaotic in and of itself, I’m talking about old […]

faith, fervent study

January 15, 2018

A Call to Arms

fer·vent  having or displaying a passionate intensity. A little over two years ago, my husband lost his Grandmother. Mama Nell was 92 when she went home to be with the Lord. My husband had the divine opportunity to be beside her, holding her hand and ushering her into the arms of Jesus. I only had […]

fervent study, Random Things

January 8, 2018

Displaying a Passionate Intensity

Fervent Book Study with @CourtneyKirklnd

It has quite literally been almost an entire year since I’ve written on this site. I can not believe it. I went from being a person who wrote once or twice a week to someone who wrote only one time in the last almost 365 days. 2017 has been a very long, chaotic and challenging […]


November 27, 2017

Still Moments in Busy Seasons

There comes a point, I believe, in every believes faith where they reach an “aha!” moment. We go through a time where we don’t necessarily turn our back on God, nor do we really question God or his authority, but we start to kind of figure things out. The little things start to click and […]


January 10, 2017

Where We’ve Gone Wrong

I tend to have my most revolutionary thoughts at night. Something to do with the quiet I think. It’s the only time of day my boys aren’t awake and tossing a football or jumping off of my couch. My husband goes to bed and the dog usually follows suit behind him or tucks himself up […]


November 21, 2016


Welcome to Week Two of our study of the book Anything by Jennie Allen. If you haven’t ordered it yet, you can snag your copy here or at any bookstore near you. A full outline of how we will be breaking this book down can be found here. Much like the study we did of Fervent, I’ll simply be […]


August 15, 2016

Being Real is Scary

Many of you managed to find me and my little corner of the internet through the study that I did of the book Fervent earlier this year. That book…changed my life. I’ve mentioned many, many times before (even wrote an article about it for a magazine) that prayer and the realization of how powerful prayer is, changed my […]

faith, Prayer

August 11, 2016

Intentional Prayer Planning

Welcome to Week One of our study of the book Anything by Jennie Allen. If you haven’t ordered it yet, you can snag your copy here or at any bookstore near you. A full outline of how we will be breaking this book down can be found here. Much like the study we did of Fervent, I’ll […]


August 8, 2016

I Fear Judgement

Anything study Week One

If this is your first time here, welcome! You can read all about this project right here. This series is intended to offer encouragement to you in your darkest days and in the midst of your worst moments. No matter where or who you are, God knows your name and He cares for you. May […]

faith, The Anchored Soul

August 5, 2016

The Anchored Soul // Week Two

Quiet Time. Those of us who grew up in the church had that drilled into us in our youth group days. Yet, how many of us learning how to actually have an effective quiet time? One of the most popular questions that I get asked through social media (especially Instagram) and email, is simply: How can I […]


August 3, 2016

How can I get more out of my Quiet Time?

How can I get more out of my Quiet Time?

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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