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When I first started thinking about the idea of participating in the 30 Days of Truth challenge, I never realized that there would be such an outpouring of encouragement and eagerness from all of you to join. I haven’t even written a post on an actual “truth” yet [one from the list] but I am […]

Blogging, Friendship

October 23, 2010

And now I bring you…

                                                                                   Welcome back to another edition of No Mom Talk Monday! Just a quick run-down of the “rules” before we get started! I’m not a big stickler for rules, so if you slip up, then that’s ok. I promise not to delete your link or anything overly ridiculous like that. 🙂 The object of this […]


October 18, 2010

No Mom Talk Truth

Yes. You’re in the right place. This was formerly “Make Me a Blessing” and now you’ve been redirected to something called Live Beautiful… well that’s me. Same content, different name. There have been a lot of changes in my life the past several months and I felt like it was time to rename the ole […]


September 19, 2010

New Name, Same Content

With the vast LACK of blogging I have done lately, I thought I would give you guys a little run down on what’s been going on in the life of me lately. Not a whole lot interesting, to be honest; but nonetheless. The several Facebook and Twitter messages I’ve gotten the last week or so […]


May 12, 2010

Time for a Confessional

Good morning, everyone! I hope this post-daylight savings Monday doesn’t have you dragging too bad. I am feeling like I could drink an entire pot of coffee in one sitting. I hate Daylight Savings. Ugh. Not only do I not even remotely understand the purpose and reasoning behind it, but I hate waking up when […]


March 15, 2010

I’m not going to vent about the NY Times [much]

A lot of my favorite bloggy friends went to “Bloggy Boot Camp” this past weekend in Baltimore. I’m so excited because I’m planning to go to the one being hosted in San Francisco. It’s fallen in the same week that hubby graduates from A-School [just outside of San Francisco!} so I was planning on being […]


March 9, 2010

Branding myself…

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all having a fantastic week! I’ve been busy, busy, busy packing and painting and all of that fun stuff and I feel like I have neglected my blog and my friends here for the past few days. Hubby and I decided this morning that we are going to take […]


February 24, 2010


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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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