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Thoughts on Breastfeeding

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  1. Kristen says:

    Both of my girls were preemies. I struggled for 2 months with my first born and then gave up. I was sore, miserable & wanted to throw the pump out of a moving car. With my 2nd, somehow I gained more confidence and trusted my body more than the doctors and things just fell into place. Glad you have found a comfy spot for the both of you. Each mother knows what is best for her and her child. Trust in your heart. 🙂

  2. YAY! Glad it is going well. 🙂

  3. Laura says:

    I’m glad it’s working so well for you! I’m hoping to be more successful this time around with Gabe. With Ethan, I just couldn’t handle it, emotionally. He would scream his head off, wouldn’t latch well most of the time, and I’d just start crying. Jarrod was the same, offering we just “take a break” and give him bottles, and I tried for a little while to be the mom who was all, “No, I NEED to do this.” but eventually, I gave up. I pumped for 2 months and we gave him bottles, then, when my supply was running too low, we switched to formula entirely. I hope to be able to have more success this time, but won’t beat myself up if it doesn’t work out.

  4. Meagan says:

    I’m so happy for y’all! I know those first few weeks are really tricky, but now that you’ve settled in to a good pattern your body and Jonah will get along better and better. You’re going to be so happy your stuck it out!

  5. I am so happy that you stuck it out!!! The first few weeks are seriously hard and so many people give up (and with good reason). I know there were many many times I just wanted to stop, because it was hard and exhausting… but in the end — it’s so rewarding. I applaud you big time, mama.

  6. melissa says:

    great post! good for you for sticking gout the roller coaster!

  7. Bonnie says:

    Cross the “cut off” bridge when you get there, these months go by so fast (and yet, so slow). Good for you for sticking it through!! It does get easier once you get further along into this little journey. Good luck!

  8. I’m so happy to read this post, and to know that you stuck it out. My heart sank a little when I first read about you choosing formula, etc, before he was born. I’m so glad you gave it a try 😉 My experience with BF was extremely bumpy too for a while, but nothing could ever compare to the bonding time I spent with my baby boy that first year. And I’m sure you know exactly what I mean now 😉 I EBF Dax for 12 months, and sometimes I felt like I would never be able to continue. It didn’t help that he popped his first tooth at 3months though- ouch!!!!! I also joined an attachment parenting group in my area to get extra support from mothers like me, since 99% of mamas here are encouraged to use formula.

    If things get rough and you need to vent, feel free to send me a message. I know that there are days that can be so much harder than others in the beginning. Keep it up, you’re doing great!!

  9. I’m so proud of you for sticking with it!!!! Way to go 🙂

  10. Breastfeeding is such a personal thing! I’m still feeding my 6th baby and feel sad at the thought of weaning her…
    When I read your thoughts, I’m inspired by how you’ve done what is right for you as hard as it sometimes has been. That is the way it always should be:) Well done!
    Jonah is a gorgeous little fellow.

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.