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Welcome to Week One of our study of the book Anything by Jennie Allen. If you haven’t ordered it yet, you can snag your copy here or at any bookstore near you. A full outline of how we will be breaking this book down can be found here. Much like the study we did of Fervent, I’ll […]


August 8, 2016

I Fear Judgement

Anything study Week One

If this is your first time here, welcome! You can read all about this project right here. This series is intended to offer encouragement to you in your darkest days and in the midst of your worst moments. No matter where or who you are, God knows your name and He cares for you. May […]

faith, The Anchored Soul

August 5, 2016

The Anchored Soul // Week Two

Quiet Time. Those of us who grew up in the church had that drilled into us in our youth group days. Yet, how many of us learning how to actually have an effective quiet time? One of the most popular questions that I get asked through social media (especially Instagram) and email, is simply: How can I […]


August 3, 2016

How can I get more out of my Quiet Time?

How can I get more out of my Quiet Time?

Great people don’t do great things…God does great things through surrendered people.” -Jennie Allen I grew up in a world where I had to be the best. Good wasn’t good enough, great could have been better. A never ending cycle of feeling like no matter what I did, I would never measure up. I always said […]


August 1, 2016

Good to Great

Anything study Week One

If this is your first time here, welcome! You can read all about this project right here. This series is intended to offer encouragement to you in your darkest days and in the midst of your worst moments. No matter where or who you are, God knows your name and He cares for you. May […]

faith, The Anchored Soul

July 29, 2016

The Anchored Soul // Week One

I feel like I need to grab my broom to dust the cobwebs off over here. It’s been far, far too long. My last post was published on May 24…the day that my grandmother passed away 12 years ago. I don’t find it ironic that that was the last day that I published here. And now, […]

faith, The Anchored Soul

July 28, 2016

Are you Anchored?

There are times in life that, well, just suck. People get hurt. People pass away. Stress takes over. Kids get sick. Your heart gets broken. Things just don’t go like you want. It’s hard. Y’all it is really, really hard. When you have this goal…this dream…this hope in your heart and on your mind and then it […]

Random Things

May 24, 2016

When Things Get Hard
(and you don’t know if God is listening)

Did you guys know that we live in a politically correct society? One in which we can not, should not, dare not offend anyone. You can’t say “hey guys” to a group of dudes standing around because what if one of them doesn’t “identify” as a guy? That would be offensive. I am not supposed to carry […]


May 6, 2016

Doing the Obvious

I watch you from across the waiting room. You smiled politely at me when you walked in just like I did you. You arms are abundantly full as you carry not only your personal bag, but also a diaper bag for your infant and a second, much larger bag, for your special needs son. I […]

Dear Mom Letters, Family

May 4, 2016

Dear Special Needs Mom

How am I supposed to trust a God that I can not see? How am I supposed to believe in someone that I can’t hear? How am I supposed to surrender to a person who I can’t touch? If you’re a believer in Christ, those questions spark one of two reactions: Yes. Amen. I’ve been […]


March 17, 2016

No More Witnesses

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Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.

I'm a Single Mama doing what I love and fueled by Grace, Mercy, and a whole lot of coffee. I'm so glad you are here!

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I'm Courtney.

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