Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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Another great week of great reads! So excited to share these with you! Make sure to head over and visit these ladies because they are all so, so fabulous. Don’t forget that if you are featured today, or have been featured in the past few weeks, that you can grab one of the little button’s […]
I have always felt like I have never measured up. Never been as good. Always in second place…or third…or honorable mention. The times in my life where I truly felt confident and successful in what I was doing are few and far between. I’ve competed and won pageants in the past; giving myself a self-esteem […]
I mentioned yesterday that we got a lot of snow this past weekend. The little guy isn’t overly crazy about playing outside in it, but he’s adjusting slowly. We took him out in the front yard [around our cul-de-sac] for a bit to play. The neighborhood kids were out and around and suddenly felt the […]
Growing up, I watched my parents work and fight for their marriage. I always assumed that the bickering, the frustration and the hurt feelings were because they didn’t belong together and didn’t care for each other. While their relationship wasn’t perfect [who’s is?] it certainly wasn’t in the shambles that I always thought it was. […]
When tragedy strikes on the news and on TV, we sigh, talk about how sad it is and we move on. When tragedy strikes at home, close to us, it’s an entirely different story. I write with a heavy, heavy heart this morning. Yesterday afternoon, a dear friend, former pageant competitor [We competed a few […]
Yeah. I’m a little bit late this week. You’ll have to forgive me. The husband has been off work; we’ve been finishing up some unpacking, and though I’ve made notes on who I’m featuring this week, I just haven’t gotten around to adding it. Oops. 🙂 So…since I’ve left you hanging long enough [because I […]
Okay. In case you didn’t know…I’m totally and completely, 110% addicted to the Instagram app on my iPod. I have Courtney to thank for that, seeing as how she introduced me to it…but I love it. [And if you use it and aren’t following me…my user name is MrsCKirkland…ahem]. I took several photos this week […]
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