Life isn't a highlight reel and not every part of our stories are beautiful and instagram worthy. The Journey Unfiltered is my story through life after divorce raising three children all with and by God's abounding grace.
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Okay. So maybe there is nothing written in black and white, but today’s Paper Mama Photo Challenge is, in fact, black and white. And since I have many, many photos from my session with the little guy the other day, I thought I’d share one of the ones I converted to black and white: Not […]
It’s been an amazing week for me. Amazing here [on the blog], amazing for me personally and spiritually…just all around one of those really fantastic weeks. And I’m hoping to share some of those good vibes with all of you today! It’s Friday, which means that it’s time to feature some more of my favorite […]
Visiting for the first time? Welcome! Excited to have you here! Look around, read a bit, and make sure to subscribe to my RSS Feed to stay on top of everything new here! If you really knew me… You would know that I secretly battled [and beat] post-partum depression when my son was born. You […]
You know those really amazing days in life? Not everything has to go absolutely perfectly. Our schedules aren’t right on the dot, and we don’t accomplish all that we intended to accomplish. But instead, we find ourselves feeling fresh…new…rejuvenated…and filled with hope. That was my day yesterday. I woke up and spent almost two hours […]
Yesterday the sun decided to peak out from behind the clouds and grace us with its presence. Considering that it was rainy, cold and dreary all weekend, I was excited for a little warmth. I did some brainstorming this weekend, and was really excited to implement an idea with the little guy. But again, it […]
How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was dreary, rainy and quite dull. And I loved it. Thankfully we didn’t get any snow [as was predicted] instead just lots of nasty rain and wind. Nasty enough to keep us all inside watching Netflix movies and the NCAA tournament all weekend, and it gave me some time to […]
Another week in iPhone photos!! I have to admit, though, that I didn’t take nearly as many this week as I have been. Maybe because we just haven’t really done anything of interest lately [and by lately, I mean this week]. Or maybe because I’ve had a killer migraine that’s been coming and going since […]
I really do look forward to posting this every week. I get great feedback from my everyday readers, they find new blogs to follow, and some of those that I feature here that don’t know I exist stop by to say hi [and if I’m lucky stick around] to get to know this absolutely fabulous […]
Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM CST