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I’m having a hard time falling back into blogging. Not that I didn’t miss the blog world…because I did…very, very much. What I didn’t miss is the time consumption. In case you missed it, that was a major reason that I decided to take a much needed blogging vacay last week: to organize my time and figure out how to go about getting myself on a better schedule.
The question is: did I figure it out?
I’m not sure.
What I did figure out while I was on blogging hiatus, is that my desire to grow my blog into something that people look forward to reading on a daily (and maybe even a multi-daily) basis, is a lot of work. It’s a lot of work and it takes—and will continue to take—a lot of time. The Pioneer Woman and Dooce didn’t reach the point of success that they are at by blogging only once a week and completely ignoring the masses. It took work, and still takes work. I highly doubt that I will be the next Ree Drummond, but I do think that my story—our story, mine and my families—is worth telling. Even if I only end up telling it for my son and any other future children to read some day.
I enjoy connecting with each and every one of the bloggers whose stories I follow. I enjoy getting to know you and your families, forming friendships and connections through the screens of our computers. It makes me happy, and leaves me feeling a little bit less isolated from the world. And the feedback that I receive from all of you when I pour out my heart, gives me a sense of peace and allows me to recognize that I am not alone in this crazy, sometimes mixed up world that we live in.
Does my writing a blog about myself, my family, or my faith make me self-glorifying or arrogant? To think that my writing, my story, my life is important enough for others to read? That I should push my thoughts and opinions onto all of you through my tweets, my blogs, and my Facebook updates?
I don’t think so.
So where is the point that I was trying to make with this post? Again, I’m not sure. But I am sure that my blog will continue to be a safe-haven for me. A place where I can write, voice my opinions, share my struggles, my downfalls, my fears with all of you. A place where I can create and nurture the “digital friendships” that have come my way. A place where I can continue to do what I’ve always, always loved doing: write. Because if I learned anything from my time away from my blog, it’s that I love what I do here more than I realized.
I will continue to approach my writing the way that I’ve been doing recently. My posts will continue to be personal (maybe more so than ever). I’m going to start delving into a few more types of writing…so if you start seeing poetry or fiction pop-up, don’t worry. Before blogging, poetry was some what of a sanctuary for me. I’ve pulled out some of my old journals to share bits and pieces of my path with you. You’ll start seeing clips and snapshots of things that inspire me, move me and drive me to continue forward in pursuing the life that I feel is mine (and my families) for the taking. I write because I feel like this is my way to make a difference, to make an impact. Every time I have ever asked God to show my how I can change the lives of the people that I encounter…how I can make a difference, he shows me that this place I’m in, this blog I write, is his way of using me to reach the world—however big or small that reach may be.
Written words are my God-given passion…sharing the pages of my life, is my deepest desire. Maybe that makes me superficial and egotistical. I hope I never come across that way, but if that’s the label I take on by doing something I enjoy and that so many others seem to enjoy, then so be it.