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Hello my favorite bloggy friends! I just wanted to update you guys on the “going-ons” of our trip home. It has been a crazy insane weekend and I am finally getting around to making a quick post before we all go shower and get ready to start rolling again. Like I said, we got in on Thursday afternoon, picked Noah up from my parents house and headed to Dothan to visit.
Friday we spent the day visiting Josh’s dad and his Grandmother. That night when Josh’s mom got off work we went shopping for some birthday presents and a Halloween costume for the big boy. [Yes, we shopped for a Halloween costume on Halloween Eve, but that’s because we couldn’t find anything we really liked in Florida.] We had a fantastic supper at Cracker Barrel and came home to sleep…well, everyone else slept. We did not. For whatever reason Noah DID NOT want to sleep Friday night…he got up at 12:40 and was up off and on until 4:00, when he finally went back to sleep until the stupid cell phone woke him up at 6:30.
Saturday morning was another birthday party with Josh’s dad and all of their family. He had an unbelievable delicious cake from Winn-Dixie of all places, and got lots of fun presents. After the party, Noah was pooped out and slept all the way home. Then it was time for Trick-or-Treating and a trip to the Peanut Festival for Mommy & Daddy. Noah’s Grandmommy [Josh’s mom] found him a monkey costume. I can’t get the computer I am on to load any photos onto my blog, so I will have to load all of those later on for you guys. [Or, you can add me as a friend on Facebook and view them there.]
Josh & I went out to the Fair on Saturday night and had a blast! We got to see Gloriana and Eric Church in concert and just about froze our butts off. I don’t understand it, but every year in Alabama when the Peanut Festival rolls around, so does the cold weather. It topped out at about 50 degrees Saturday night with a bit of a wind chill. I know all of you who live up North will say that’s not really very cold, but when you live year-round with temps in the 80’s and 90’s, 50 is quite a change for us…we bust out the North Face and Columbia Jackets and the sweaters.
We had a great time at the fair. That was our first date 2 years ago and it was fun to go back and go together. I felt like we got to be “children” again without any kind of responsibility and anything to stress us out. We stood for almost 4 hours and enjoyed the concert, ate corndogs from the “Corndog” man, and just had an all around good time enjoying each other. We are going back again one night this week with our families to take Noah and ride all of the rides. And to eat more of the unbelievably fabulous food. Don’t worry, I will [eventually] post photos of all of that soon.
Sunday was another birthday party with all of Josh’s moms family. Meaning= more gifts, more wrapping paper, more people to visit with that we haven’t seen since Christmas, and more cake for Noah. This time, the cake was Chocolate and super yummy. He went straight to the bath tub. We didn’t do much last night. Just hung around and all went to bed early.
Anywho. Now that all of you are updated on what’s going on with us, I will let you go. Got to get up and get a shower and get moving…more family to visit, more of the “big town” to enjoy while we are. Gotta love the slow pace of things here in the south. I have to admit there are some things I miss. Hope you all have a great Monday and I will “talk” to you all again soon…maybe later today or tomorrow. This time with something better than just an update on what’s going on in my oh so busy life.