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With Noah’s first birthday, came a lot of memories and a lot of reminiscing over the past year.
I don’t doubt that I am a good mother. Because I know that I am. But, I am not the mother that I want to be. Not the mother that I could be. Not the mother God wants me to be.There are some things that I want to implement into our lives over the next year. Things that I have discovered, things that God has shown me need work, things that I want to incorporate into our day to day routines. Especially now that Noah is getting older.
So…me being the Obsessive Compulsive mom that I am, I have compiled a nice little list for you of things that I want to do different over the next year. Here ya’ go:
~ I want to read to Noah more than I do. This is something that I know is so important, but something that I don’t do nearly as often as I should. Partly because I can’t get him to sit still long enough to read a book. But, now that he is getting older, I want to do it. Everyday. I want to teach him to love books like his daddy and I do.
~ Create traditions and routines for our lives. Christmas traditions, birthday traditions, etc. I want to celebrate half birthdays with a small little something every year…just because I saw it on TV one time and thought it was cute and super fun way to acknowledge each persons importance for no reason.
~ I want to spend more time playing with him. In our culture it is so easy to set a child down in front of the TV and let them zone in while we moms [and dads] go about doing 10,000 other things. I want to change that. Spend time with Noah playing and learning when he is awake and moving about. Not saying that he doesn’t need his own “down time” to play alone, but when he wants to play, I want to play with him.
~ I want to take him more places. Yes, he’s only 1 and won’t remember most of the places we take him, but he will have the photo’s one day. Things that right now, he will enjoy even if he won’t remember it.
~ I want to incorporate more family time. More time without TV and internet to distract us. More US time to spend together as a family…meaning family dinners around the dining room table WITHOUT the TV on.
These are just a few. I’m sure I will come up with some more as time goes on. I know when he gets a little bit bigger, I want to color with him and do some small crafts and stuff, but that’s a little down the road.