Check out this cute little surprise I got in the mail today!
Josh’s Aunt and her boyfriend, and his grandparents sent me this “Birthday Tower” from Harry & Davids that finally arrived today. They kept telling me that they sent me something but it arrived while we were gone to Alabama for my granddaddy’s funeral, so they shipped it back. I got it this afternoon. Not only are the boxes super-duper cute (and durable so I can actually use them for something), but it was full of goodies! There was a bag of jelly beans, toffee, Moose Munch Crunch (the fancy equivalent of some high end Cracker Jacks), some pears (?) and a molten chocolate cake with an icing drizzle…which the husband and I just enjoyed with a bowl of ice cream while the baby is in bed for the evening. I was so excited! The goodies on the inside were great, but I am really super pumped about these boxes! I have to find somewhere to put them at…
Courtney Kirkland is a Southeast Alabama Writer & Designer. Since 2011,, Courtney has passionately provided beautiful, intentional design to small businesses & bloggers and encouraged thousands to walk in a rich faith in any situation.